With a population of 7 billion and growing it is no surprise that somewhere out there we all have a lookalike.
Someone who can makes some cash on the side once we get famous impersonating us. In the land of sport our favourite athletes are posted everywhere promoting brands or actually doing their sport sometimes. We are all used to their faces, but on the odd occasion there comes a sense of de ja vu. Wait, have I met this guy before? She look awfully familiar… Maybe we met in a past life? Actually what is happening is that you have cottoned on to a sporting doppelganger! There are many out there, but I have searched the world (Google) to find the best and funniest celebrity lookalikes for our sporting heroes.
Nick Faldo & Harrison Ford
The likeness between these two legends is unmistakeable. The Star Wars superstar is 73 and has fifteen years on the British golf star, but even now you would think they were seperated at birth. Maybe they should change their names accordingly. I vote Darth Fader, and Handicap Solo.
Stan Van Gundy & Ron Jeremy
Unfortunately for NBA coach Stan Van Gundy the fans have worked this out already, resulting in some embarrassing fan signs. Ron Jeremy is a legend of the porn industry and will know doubt be asking who is Van Gundy as he is usually distracted most of his days. This is a great spot on two individuals who live in two very different worlds.
Daniel Ricciardo & Andy Samberg
Daniel Ricciardo is the exciting new prospect of Formula 1 who is causing chaos this year already for Red Bull and sits third favourite for the championship. Andy Samberg grew up in the famed SNL stable and is also a young upstart in his profession, both are on the edge of something big. They will be hoping that when it happens though they won’t be any confusion on the red carpets of Monaco.
Wayne Rooney & Shrek
A greenish monster who grew up in a swamp to then become the most celebrated man in his kingdom, aswell as marrying his damsel in distress. Wayne Rooney really has come a long way since his days at Everton. 😉
Robert Griffin III & Andre 3000
Their names may contain more numbers than Donald Trump’s bank account but that’s not the only thing they have in common. I mean come on! Its the same person! The openly thing I can tell when I try spot the difference is the Spongebob tooth gap of Griffin….or is it Andre?
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