There is an old saying “They only come out at night”, but that appears to be untrue because the odd and weird seem to come out anytime and can be seen shopping at your local supermarket.
From the morbidly obese in obscene tight clothing, grandads that don’t give a f**k and people defecating in the parking lot there is a whole load of crazy going in plain sight because people have no shame!
Here are some really awful and rather bizarre images showing weird and crazy people while going about their daily shop.
I think I might do my grocery shopping online from now on!
Grandma, the toys were that way!

When you don’t even need to wear anything on top because the dress covers everything!

Sometimes you just find the best treasure in your local charity shop

That poor, poor mobility scooter!

When you gotta go, you gotta go!

Damn illegal aliens stealing our jobs

Gives a new spin on ‘drinking and driving’

Have you got any ID please?

Some people just love Easter

Billy Joe remembered where he’d hidden his wallet

Now let me see… Which creepy mask do I want to go with my creepy shoes?

Good Boy… This way!

I will never look at Spongebob the same again!

Poor Nana!

Wear whatever makes you feel sexy

This supermarket really knows it’s demography

That moment you spot the late Michael Jackson while out shopping

When your hair is so long it turns into a scarf!

Uncle Craig couldn’t understand why people where staring when he took his creepy underage looking sex doll to the supermarket!

I guess he really loves cats!

Wolverine and Captain Jack Sparrow really couldn’t decide on the drink that came with their meal deal

This guy has got it all going on!

F**k your changing rooms!

Yum! Healthy all bacon salad!

Somebody doesn’t know how a thong works

When you suck at grocery shopping!

It’s nice to see the Flintstones out and about getting groceries

Stan never missed ‘leg day’ at the gym!

Cousin It spotted at Wal-Mart

Wear what you feel comfortable in


The overly attached shopping centre

Shop ’til you drop!

When you remembered you need milk while mid-swim!

Remember when you were a kid and you went to the supermarket with your mom and she saw someone she knew and started talking to them

Stay classy!

You got a problem girlfriend?

Shopping was always fun with dad!

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