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30 Really Awful Movie Posters

Awful. Just awful!

Up until the 90’s, the movie poster would have most likely been illustrated see here and here for examples. Nowadays, they all seem to be created using Photoshop, which can lead to a whole lot of hilarious, awful and botched manipulated disasters.

It’s not just the bad Photoshopping either, but if use the wrong photo or have a dodgy tag line this can be just as much a catastrophe to the marketing too!

Okay, so some of these movies in this list are low budget, but most of them aren’t and It does really make we wonder, why they don’t spend a little but of the film budget on a photo shoot for the movie poster instead of leaving it as an after thought!

This is a prime example of bad ‘Photoshopping’. It looks like Cage should be holding a gun in his oversized hand, while trying to scratch that irritating armpit!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

This poster could have worked if the dickhead who created this mishmash had heard of the concept of symmetry!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Joyenergizer

This is what happens when you asked primary school children to have a go at Photoshop! Who knows how many images are cut and pasted into this monstrosity?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

This creepy ‘I’m looking into your soul. Always staring. Why don’t I stop staring?’ shot of Peter O’ Toole absolutely makes me not want to see this movie ever!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Awful on so many levels. The worst part is the ‘rapey’ slogan of “They want to put a baby in you!”

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

The overkill Photoshop touch up of Melissa McCarthy’s face make her unrecognisable!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

This is a case of a misleading movie poster. Making us think that some kind of creature is involved in this film. Total bollocks poster. Total bollocks movie!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Could these guys not just spare 30 minutes to get a photo shoot together? Are those heads really on those bodies?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

No explanation needed!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Who’d have thought a Mini Cooper could fit a bloody horse in the back?!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Total legend Chuck Norris looking more like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. This poster is so mental, I actually quite like it!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

This looks like the kind of movie that you’d find in your local dollar or pound store!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Absolute f#*kin’ garbage!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Nobody wants to see a fat Jared Leto. Nobody!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

“Hey, we filmed a really shit movie. How can we make it even worse?”

“Awful movie poster?


30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

I know Arnie has been accused of having ‘over gropey’ hands, but this is ridiculous!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

The poster for the most awful movie ever made!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Oh dear!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

This poster reminds of a 1980s video game cover. You can’t even read the white slogan in the rainbow and is that punk a central character in the movie?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

The sequel that nobody was asking for. Badly Photoshopped toddlers with that 1980’s supposedly cool crossed arms and shades look!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Haha. Which one is tough and which one is smart? Joking of course Mr. Chuck Norris legend, sir!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Jesus Christ! It’s got Kevin James in. The films already a f#*kin’ disaster, so having shitty movie poster isn’t gonna make any difference!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Check out those Photoshopped heads! Everything is wrong. Stop it now! Denise Richards is only just getting away with being blonde too.

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Is this movie about a Dane Cook slipping sedatives into women’s drinks or maybe he likes sleeping with corpses! This poster trying to do some Lennon and Uno homage just screams ‘creepy as f#*k!’

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Okay WTF? So many questions. Why is she strapped to a babies bottle? ‘Dust mop of the year?’ Is ‘Up the Sandbox’ a euphemism for something?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Did they make this poster in Microsoft Word?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Stop getting Photoshop wrong!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Don’t like getting a dog to lick your face. No worries. we’ll Photoshop one in there. Nobody will notice. I’m actually a little creeped out by the whole man. woman and dog threesome theme

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

Holy moly! You’d think that spending all that money on making a movie they could have stretched to doing a £100 photo shoot with all the cast together. Why is ‘old purse mouth’ Bruce Willis wearing a skirt? What the hell is that in between Willis and Perry and hat’s the deal with the rooster?

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99


30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

“Now is the time for heroes” shouted the multi-racial conjoined triplet!

30 Really Awful Movie Posters - Sublime99

See more movie posters here

Written by Mila

Decoding the million wonderful & inspiring stories within the quirky world of art, design & pop culture.


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