I never get bored of searching for really awful vintage album art. I love this shit. So much that I might need therapy!
There’s never a shortage of the stuff as long as there are crazy ‘musical’ people pursuing their dreams out there. Especially those who don’t have a basic grasp on design or marketing.
I’m not shitting on other people’s musical talents, no way. These artists, I’m sure sound great. I’m shitting on the the people who passed off these crazy album art covers as being acceptable.
Well I don’t need to tell you why this is offensive!

It takes generations of inbreeding to be this good!

Straight to the point…

…. Or do you want that kingsize?

Well, D’uh!

The pussy party is here

Clowns are already terrifying enough nevermind with a creepy title of “Relax with my Horns”

From one creepy guy to another. A real-life minion!

Loretta we don’t want to know about what you get up to behind closed doors

Yes, this is the creepiest thing you may see all week. Jacinto, you dirty old man!

Hold on Dan, save some pussy for the rest of us

That’s what they call it in the deep south!

Sounds electronic from my harpsichord

Squirt at it again!

Sudbina Si Murni by Saban Bajramovic featuring such hits as “Dental Plan” and “Your (Crooked) Smile”

“Spread the word… Perms half price at Nancy’s”

Oscar Zamora and his evil plan to create a pervert puppet

“I’m talking to the man in the mirror…, Hello”

Well, we can guess their favourite position

Do you know Jesus? No, is that him in the middle?

How’d he fit all that in there?

How not to get molested by Webster

I guess Betsy & Jo really like their cucumbers! <wink>

Tzan the Man

Holy s**t this is scary AF

So, it’s not true what they say about shoe size!

Just strumminng my gay banjo

Is that really him?


Ah… my wife might like this album. Joking of course!

The serial killers choice

I think that’s what the priests call it too!

Boogie! Boogie! Boogie! In my shed with my goats!

That might be down to low blood sugar, you might want to get that checked out Johnny!

Sarah really had a thing for baseball bats!

Lee Shot Williams and the twerking horse


Ah put on me guns again

You heard them…

Not sure what is going on here but she’s just shat a watermelon

Grab an umbrella or run for cover

Cock Van Der Palm. Is that Dutch slang for cracking one out?

Let’s spend the night together with you tied up in the back of my van

With Mothra on Bass

If she was facing the different way he’d be getting a different kind of open face sandwich!

I don’t think they’ll be dancing for long

F***k! If I was confronted by this crazy surprise party I’d s**t myself!

Or we’ll get ya!

I wonder why they were so popular?

Some early PhotoShop style design going on here


This so wrong

Please Dean, I don’t want to hear what you get up to on your own!

Okay Man… I mean Ruth!

Those Germans with their crazy sense of humour

Maybe you should see a psychiatrist for that

Loveshit… I mean Loveship!

Back to creepy clowns again

…. They get creepier. I didn’t know John Wayne Gacy released an album

And Jesus said unto them “Don’t miss the great snatch”

Awww, Poor Dwayne Friend just wants a…. er… friend!

Looks like he went to Nancy’s!

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