You may be surprised to know that Disney, the biggest and most successful animation studio in the world actually recycled endless amounts of old animation in some of their older animated motion pictures to cut corners and save money.
Back a few decades ago and before Disney switched to CGI they didn’t always have the massive budgets that they have today. They also didn’t have has many illustrators, colour artists and animators who painstakingly hand draw and colour each and every one of the many millions of frames and images that goes in each movie.
This process would also take a long time and time is another thing that Disney didn’t have enough of. Some of these movies took many years to achieve and Disney had to keep a schedule of releasing movies and shorts just to keep them the company going.
How did they get around this? By recycling old animation stock from other successful movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Jungle Book of course.
I think that Robin Hood was probably made entirely out of old recycled footage.
Disney we still love you!