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39 Times Restaurants Went Too Damn Far With Their Food Servings

“I’d like a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man’s hat”

The ever growing trend of restaurants trying to look “trendy” by coming up with crazy and creative ways to serve our food is now at peak crazy levels.

From Beef Wellington serve on barbed wired to sushi served in an iPhone box. You may say you have seen it all but we’ve only just got started.

These abominations of the culinary world are courtesy of We Want Plates. Bon appetite.

You can see more at and Instagram.

“Here is your Beef Wellington. Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?” “Yes a tetanus shot, please!”

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Bacon on a washing line

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Full English Breakfast in a jar

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“Our Environmentally Friendly Tempura Is Made With Sustainable Seafood And Vegetables, Harvested In Ways That Consider The Long-Term Well-Being Of Our Precious Land And Oceans.” “Wonderful! How’s It Served?” “On A Large Polystyrene Block.”

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Caesar Salad or Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?

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This Scotch egg looks quite the mouthful!

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“Did you hear about the chef who opened a restaurant which served food on model aeroplanes?
It never took off.”

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Two chips, one rock!

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At least they’re using the whole animal!

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Cocktail bathtub complete with a rubber ducky

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“Would You Like Some Bread While You Wait?” “I’m Forty-TwoYears Old.”

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Mozzarella sticks served in a Croc… What a time to be alive!

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Espresso… To go!

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“Sausage And Mash, Please.” “Pint?” “Just A Half, I’m Driving.”

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“Yes, I would like to be served like an animal”

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Chocolate horse turd truffles on manure fork

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* Serving suggestion!

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Want A Fishbowl Cocktail But Still Remain Classy? I Present To You, Suitcasebowl

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Please take charcuterie and have a seat

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This mess

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Gravy in a urinal

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This would be good if you could keep the skateboard

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“Siri, It’s International Gin And Tonic Day. Show Me The Worst Ways Gin And Tonic Has Ever Been Served.”

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What even is this?

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Served in an ashtray

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“Chef, I’ve Defrosted The Freezer And Put Out The Recycling.” “That’s It!” “Chef?” “I’ve Had An Idea For The Red Bull Sorbet.”

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… Served on a moose antler

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Charcoal Waffle Eggs Benedict on a shovel. You lost me at Charcoal waffles!

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Meanwhile in Japan…

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The cage is in case the cocktail flies away!

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Yes, I Would Like Your “Mini Corn Dogs On A Ceramic Decorative Pillow” Please

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Give this wellington the boot

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Nachos on a rusty bin lid

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Whatever this is?

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Obligatory Mini Lamp

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Cocktails In The Wild… Manhattan Served On A Rock With A Side Of Dirt And Pine Cone

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This prawn lollipop comes with a goldfish in a liquidiser

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That’s it I’ve had enough… “Check, please!”

Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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