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This Ain’t No Wacky Races! 48 Totally Mental Car Modifications

There is nothing wrong with modifying your car, but some people take it to the next level.

You may think you are looking at the behind-the-scenes photos of a live-action version of ‘Hanna-Barbera’s Wacky Races’, but these are in fact actual real modified vehicles!

There is nothing wrong with modifying your car, but some people take it to the next level. You can call it ‘being creative’ if you want, but I call it having no taste and at times being really irresponsible!

Why do I say this? Have a look for yourself. From the damn right ridiculous to the damn right dangerous. You better watch out, because you may see one of these crazy contraptions whizzing past you on the freeway very soon!

I Know I Wanted My Car to Look Like My Kids Hot Wheels Car, But This is Ridiculous!

The Horrible Consequences of Billy Bob Screwing His Car

To Infinity and Beyond

 The Disney Pixar Version of Stephen King’s ‘Christine’

The Frankenstein Car

No Spare Wheel? Just Improvise!

Dave Thought He Could Drive Over Traffic with His High Suspension

Car Modification on a Budget

I Swear It’s a BMW

Sunny Florida Isn’t the Best Place to Have a Fully Chrome Car

At Least I Have Somewhere to Dry My Washing

Ahoy Matey! Avast Ye Seadog!

Mark Zuckerberg Was Proud Of the Official Facebook Car

I Want My Car to Look Like Melted Cheese. Done!

Whatever This Is?

Cletus Had a Big Family To Feed

Cinderella Making Sure She Won’t Be Late to the Ball

The Munsters Were Back in Town

For Those Who Remember 80s Cartoons, Here is a Real Life M.A.S.K Vehicle

Screw the Batmobile! What about the Bat Limousine?

The ‘Push Me Pull You’ Car

It Does Its Job

Fun Dip Lik-a-Stik?

Duct Tape Go Fast Stripes

Home-Made Mercedes Badge

The Chanel Car is This Seasons Must Have Fashion Accessory

You Remember that Old Rhyme ‘The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe Who Modded The F**k Out of it’?

F**kwit Alert

Squirrels in Autumn


Build Your Own Car

I Have a Nifty 2-Seater

There’s Something Not Right Here!

The Makeshift Time Machine

“Where We’re Going Marty, We Don’t Need Roads!”

There’s Only One Way This is Heading!

Another Frankenstein Car


The Latest Trend Upcycling Vehicles

Creepy as F**k Shrek Mobile

My Other Car is a Batmobile

I Always Wanted a Car Made Out of Car Seat Leather

The DIY Convertible

This is What Happens When You Allow Your 5-Year Old to Design Your Car

“I’m Tired of these Motherf**kin’ Snakes on This Motherf**king Car”

The Car with Built in Murder Box


Batmobile… More Like Shatmobile!

The New Luxury Chevrolet SUV/Truck

Written by Jake

Nando's Ambassador and resident blogger for Opinion Machine & Digital Art Mix


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