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DIY Face Masks by 30+ People Who Really Don’t Want to Catch the #Coronavirus

Scaremongering brings out the crazies!

Unless you’ve been in a coma for the last few months then you will have certainly heard of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). 

It doesn’t help that the media is scaring up a pandemic frenzy and making us think we’ll soon be living in a post-apocalyptic world like something out of the ‘The Walking Dead‘. People end up panic buying which has lead to a huge shortage of face masks (or hand sanitizers, dried pasta or toilet roll!)

It was only a matter of time before the ‘crazy people‘ took it upon themselves to protect themselves with their own DIY masks. From plastic bottles and shopping bags to fruit and sanitary towels, people are thinking of all kinds of ways to keep that virus at bay!

German-Namibian artist  Siedentopf, who is based in London, has created a series of DIY masks using everyday objects titled ‘”How to Survive A Deadly Global Virus”. You can see some of the images below mixed in with actual real home-made masks that people have been sporting around the world.

Remember… Stay safe, stay home!

A handy plastic box


The Plague Doctor Look

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Max Siedentopf | Report

Lettuce Leaves


… Or grapefruit if you will


A plastic bottle

Max Siedentopf | Report

We have a true supporter of the bottle

Chenqiushi404 | Report

Also available in green!

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A sanitary towel (Unused of course!)


Make sure it has wings

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For that Covid-Kink, a gimp suit!

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This person would probably die from suffocation before COVID-19!

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A polar bear suit!

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Why not try a sneaker? Brand not specific!

Max Siedentopf | Report

That bottle mask is really catching on!


How about three bottles?


A mask you can then put on your salad!

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An orange


When you care about your health to a certain degree!


… And when you care about your health but not about road safety!


A plastic grocery bag (Tesco supermarket brand preferred)

Max Siedentopf | Report

The bag is catching on


The bottle (next level modified version) and plastic wrap combo


A thong


Just use anything you can get your hands on!


Such as a tasty jar of Nutella!

Max Siedentopf | Report

The full bodysuit

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The garlic plague doctor. Wards off COVID-19 and vampires!

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When Coronavirus becomes human

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A snorkel!


The fallout suit, just in case 2020 gets any worse!


F**k it, Just put yourself in a giant plastic bag!

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…. Yes, use a giant bag!


…. Or a unicorn suit!

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Even one for the dogs!

Zhou Tianxiao | Report

Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.


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