Take a look at these hilarious images of some of the most photogenic animals from the animal kingdom.
You’d think you were browsing through a catalogue of models from some kind of Furry Modelling Agency.
These are images taken at the exact moment, including one that was actually shot by the monkey himself, where you can see him grinning for the cutest selfie.
Self Portrait
The Sultry French Kitten
That’s It. You’ve got it. Use the Wind. Beautiful Darling
This Guy Has Got it All Figured Out
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls
The Camera Loves You
Strike a Pose
The Seductive Albino Gorilla
Bear Waving to Camera
This Kangaroo Has It All
The Timeless Street Shot
The Money Shot
The Tiger Temptress
This Dog is So Hot Right Now
If You Could All Keep That Pose For One Moment Please
Playkitty of the Month
Squirrel of the Month
Stella, the Sexy Seductress
Use the Eyes
Bitch, I’m Fabulous!
Just Chillin’
Make Love to the Camera For Me
The Timeless Art of Seduction
That’s it brilliant. That’s a wrap!
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