Welcome to another chapter in the ‘Nature is Scary’ series. This time we dedicate this episode to Australia.
When you think of Australia what do you think of? Kangaroos, Barbecues, boomerangs, beer and of cause… Crocodile Dundee!
We love Australia, but we can’t help but feel that it’s populated with a huge variety of creatures that scare the absolute bejesus out of us!
Run people, run!
Although this Huntsman spider looks like it just crawled out from Hell, it’s actually one of the least dangerous!

I can wait for the toilet…

You’re gonna need a bigger boat

Batman is here

Even the Kangaroos are buff! (The late Roger Roo)

I’ve never really felt sympathy for a crocodile… But damn!

Honey, there is a kid on our bug!

Time to move the house

Who needs a guard dog, when you could have this evil lizard?

This snake just caught Batman!

Even the pine cones can kill you!

I’d love to see a bird have a go at catching this worm

Ahhh… I’ll just rest on this sign after walking through these harmless grasslands

In Australia, the frogs eat the snakes

Knock knock!

Just a croc eating a shark. Nothing to see here!

Speaking of Crocs…. Always check your shoes!

Dead whale on the verge of exploding

Just your daily retail snake catching

I got something extra special in my lunchbox today

That’s a huge termite mound

Ahhh… Finally another toilet. Nope! I’ll just shit myself thanks!

The stick insect who could kick your ass!


A parade of caterpillars

Don’t worry there is enough spiders to eat these pesky flies…

… See… Spiders f**kin’ everywhere…

Even the hail wants to kill you

Excuse me Mr. Spider, now that you own the kitchen will you mind making me something to eat?

Well, that’s just lovely!

Just some toads riding on a python


Even filling the car with gas is a potential death trap

…. and the ceiling light wants to kill you too!

We told you about the frogs!

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