When you live in the deep, dark depths of the oceans then looks aren’t all that important!
It is amazing that our planet is covered in 71 percent water but we still haven’t explored most of it. Lurking in the deep is countless species of marine life. From bizarre molluscs to fish that look like they’ve escaped from hell, there are some very interesting species down there.
Russian photographer and deep-see fisherman Roman Fedorstov captures these amazing images of some of the finds that get caught up in the nets.
You can see more on Instagram. You can see more creatures of the depths – Really Scary Looking Deep Sea Creatures.
Deep-Sea Angler
Gorgonocephalus is a genus of marine basket stars in the class Ophiuroidea.
Wolffish are not aggressive. They feed on slow-moving or sedentary prey such as sea urchins, crabs, molluscs and large snails.
Today’s fish of the post is Redfish. It is also called Rockfish or Ocean Perch⠀
Leatherfin Lumpsucker
Jaggedhead gurnard(Gargariscus, Armored searobins or armored gurnards)⠀
Hmmm… I see an unhappy fat old woman with a bright hairstyle. Is this a sick fantasy or do you see it too?
It’s amphipod. For the first time representatives of this species were found in 2004. Crustaceans look like shrimp, lives at a depth of 300 meters.This we caught in Arctic ocean.
I think that whitening strips will not help in this situation
Sclerocrangon Ferox
Is it a sea cheeseburger with teeth?
Blackbed Liparis
Elon Musk, bring me anything like that from Mars
Sea anemones (sea anemones) are predatory invertebrates.
It’s a Bering Shrimp
Striped Lyra Fish or Great Sand (Callionymus Lyra) ⠀
The sideways face of a Halibut
Dinosaurs did not die off, they simply disguised
The point is to choose the right perspective! Then ordinary fish will look like a monster.
Pisces are amazing
Arctic Skate
Leatherfin Lumpsucker
I don’t know what it was…⠀ Maybe Sea Anemone. Looks pretty and unusual. Soft to the touch.⠀
Little “black” shark. Caught in the Atlantic Ocean
Romantic shit from the bottom of the sea