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Really Scary Looking Deep Sea Creatures Straight From Hell


There’s probably a very good reason why we haven’t explored the deep sea ocean and it’s because it’s full of ‘sea creatures from hell!’

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov shares these amazing finds on social media of all these strange and creepy looking sea creatures they encounter. Even experts cannot identify most of the weird species in Fedortsov’s photos.

The creatures in question reside in the Mesopelagic region which is between 200-1000 metres in depth. Very little light gets down there and most of the fish are red or black in colour which keeps them very well camouflaged.

It’s nice to see undiscovered animals, but sadly, these creatures only come to our attention because they are caught in fishermen’s nets, else they would probably still go undiscovered for many more years or centuries to come.

Thanks to Roman Fedorstov for sharing these amazing images

You can see more on: Instagram

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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