Are you bored with the fashion choices at your local fashion stores? Are you bored with the furniture on offer at the homeware store?
If you want to try something new and you’re looking to save a few bucks then why not pop down to your local thrift store because there is treasure to be found in those magical shops.
When we say treasure we really mean the crazy and bizarre, but who wouldn’t want a Jesus chair? Or how about a Nicholas Cage backpack or Undies for Two?
You can see more on Thrift Store Art on Instagram.
You can see more thrift store finds on these previous posts – 40 Totally Weird and random Items Found in Charity Shops and 50 More Crazy Items That People Found in a Thrift Store.
I think we all need a Nic Cage Backpack in our lives!

Who knows what the story is behind this sign?

Maybe it keeps Vampires away?

Another great actor lost to drugs!

It’s LeO’Clock baby!

My cat is dead but I will always have the memory of him clawing my ankle in oil paint!

Beautiful, just beautiful!

This is the book I need!

Who wants to sit on Jesus’s lap?

With that expression, I can only assume she’s being entered right now!

The must-have read for 2020

I have so many questions

Don’t let the breasts of Mrs E.T distract you from the fact her earrings are sticking in her head!

Those pesky cats

Jesus hasn’t come for the support he’s getting ready to choke the shit out of you!

One for all the family to enjoy

Mom, I found a shirt I want!

A collection of pickled soft toys

The nightmares have come back!

Why though?

Oh, God!

I wonder if this dollhouse furniture or life-sized? I’d like to know so I can properly scale my horror


2020 hasn’t been kind to Garfield

This is the Mount Rushmore we deserve

This copycat painting comes free with judging Jesus portrait!

No really, why paint cats?

“Honey, where is my t-shirt for dress down Friday?” “They are all in the wash you will have to grab whatever is clean and hanging up!”


If Wish sold Shrek Jeans

“Do you wanna see what’s under my magic hat Harry?”

Chest of draws!


It most certainly is

Self on the shelf!

Corporal Punishment!

ALF is back… In phone form!

A true home video classic

Teddy Ruxpin was never the same bear after his stroke!

Ich Bin Ein Badass!

Moved to Ecstasy…. Were they at an all you can eat buffet?

For anyone with a 1980s Beauty and the Beast fetish!

Perfect gift for the kid you hate!

Let’s hope that’s honey!

Truly a work of art

If you ever wanted to look like one of the ‘Golden Girls’

Truly a shirt for the modern age!

Lindsey Lohan through the ages via mugshot

Not a t-shirt you should wear while visiting your gran in a care home!

It’s good to let people know these things!

Does anyone remember Bad Taste Bears?

Let’s hope that’s a tie?

Sometimes something magical just happens out of nowhere!”