
50 More Totally Crazy Items That People Found in a Thrift Store!

There’s gold to be found in them second hand shops!

You know what they say “One person’s junk is another person’s treasure”, and if you are looking for a bargain at a cheap price then thrift and charity stores are the places to go.

Okay, we have to admit there is a hell of a lot of unwanted garbage lurking in your local thrift store, but on the other hand who wouldn’t want a portrait of a cat Indiana Jones or a Rubik’s Cube table?

You never know you might actually find a true gem hidden among the crazy stuff like a signed copy of The Shining by Stephen King (see below).

There’s gold to be found in them second hand shops!

You can see more crazythrift store items here.

Josh, we have found him

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This Titty frog!

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Why does something so terrifying exist?

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Hello, Officer!

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Who doesn’t need denim dishes in their life?

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Mama Mia!

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Arise ye Knight to wipe thy royal ass!

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Add a box of cereal and you have yourself a live action Hungry Hippos!

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Ring ring… “Who’s there?”, “Rooooaaaarrr!!!”

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Who wouldn’t love this ‘fun’ Feline Indiana Jones portrait?

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The best $1.99 ever spent!

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Just take second to think that the first frame is an act of sex between two safety pins!

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7 Days

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Pepe Le Poodle

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Be afraid, be very afraid!

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Because…. You never know!

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Oh dear God!

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Now you can be like Sy from ‘One Hour Photo!’

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Is this a real time traveller from the 90s?

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Somebody hates DC!

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The Feminist starter kit mug

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That’s just great!

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It’s a shame you can’t complete this Rubik’s Cube!

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That’s a pretty good find

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The anti-fat dinner set

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But is it better than dogs playing poker?

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These picture frames are pure gold(blum)

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That’s not a bad idea

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Santa visiting Baby Jesus!

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For that dinner guest you despise!

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Another great find

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How can I tell the sex of my frog ornaments? Oh right…!

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This Jesus mug

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I don’t think this is Cinderella’s glass slipper!

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The Gay Timetable

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For that crazy cat lady!

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This rather unsettling rock!

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This classy dog portrait

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Did anyone order a Hitler skunk?

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…. Or a bat head on a pool ball?

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This octopus-legged bowl

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This quirky AF salt and pepper

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This is one ‘udder’ crazy stool!

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Pete obviously had no life!

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Written by Robert De Zero

Joyenergizer Pop Culture Journalist

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