We shouldn’t laugh but if you’re like us then you may sometimes chuckle at other people’s misfortune!
We’ve all had bad days and we can blame them purely on bad luck, karma, or mystical forces in the universe but whatever it is we have no control over it. You just have to pick yourself up and carry on because hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day and we can all laugh about it.
Let’s take a look at a collection of people having a bad day.
Want to see more people’s misfortune? Take a look at – People who may be having a worse day than you and People who are having a really shitty day!
“Oh, what happened now? Did the rubble burn down?”

OMG OMG OMG I won I won I won!

Was getting ready for bed, walked into my bedroom to this

Owner leaves car running to defrost, man steals car, crashes it

After a gruelling day at work without food where I had to wait 4 hours for a sample to arrive which got cancelled, I came home at 7 pm to find all my shit in garbage bags cause the cleaners my landlord sent cleared the wrong apartment

This is the “Killing Stone” in Japan which after 1,000s of years has broken in half. The legend says that there is a demonic spirit trapped inside – The Nine-Tailed Fox. It is now free to cause chaos on Earth!

Our smoke alarm caught on fire in the middle of the night

My friend’s apartment got shot up at 2 AM by a random hoodlum

Neighbor just got a Supra a few weeks ago

Must have been the hot pants!

I don’t paint often, so I was really proud of myself for remembering to wear gloves this time

Welp, I almost fell into a sinkhole under my porch

Someone broke into my car to steal 10 dollars worth of candy and toys I bought to give to my 4 year old student

Someone’s luggage just chilling on the tarmac – DFW

I bet he feels a right prick right now!

I’ve been looking for my glasses for 3 days

Someone left their bike under the wrong tree

When the boss thinks he’s a comedian

Moved to Australia and was warned about the snakes and spiders. I give you a single ant bite

The wind took the C away…

Do you know when people ironically say they’re allergic to work? Apparently, I’m allergic to my own sweat

Define disappointment

Recently tried an expensive rental clothing subscription. UPS threw the package of clothes/bags into my backyard. I have two puppies

I was cruising about 50mph, then the plastic snapped

Bought a PS5 for my son’s birthday. Someone at UPS swapped it out with a rock

The new jar of Nutella my girlfriend tried to heat in the microwave

There was a blizzard last night so we decided to check on our car

Was wondering how the dog’s water bowl kept getting refilled…..Welp

Was washing a (very sharp) greasy piping tip at work. Slipped right onto my finger before I could stop it

Left our totally normal house to run errands. Came back an hour and a half later to this

Drove three hours to go to the Grand Canyon

Some Mondays are harder than the rest

“Time to go to bed! Huh…what are those dots on my wall? Oh. Oh NO.”

Had an air purifier running for over a year with the filter covered in plastic the whole time

The only path back to my room blocked by cute but incredibly angry sea lions

My essay got a 0 because the person thought I copied from the internet. Turns out it was MY OWN POST which I posted some hours later.

Why has my watch stopped? Oh

I’m a high school teacher and my apartment window just got egged. I thought they liked me 😕

My puppy ate my passport

Bought one of those ear cleaners with a camera and just pulled out a contact lens. I have no idea how long it was in there

Just baked this cake and ate one piece, came back and the dog licked the icing off as far as she could reach

I was babysitting my cousin while her dad was away on business. He told me dinner is in the freezer. Yum, battery and broccoli. Just like mom used to make

When the road wants to kill you

This dog ate my neighbor’s food delivery

HelloFresh: “One teaspoon chili flakes