
Damn, It’s Cold Out There! – Shocking Photos of Winter Doing What it Does Best

It’s so cold the Ice Queen was spotted earlier!

Welcome to a winter wonderland with this cool collection of winter doing what it does best – freezing our balls off!

You have Mother Nature to thank for these stunning images. Take a look at awesome frozen lakes and the intricate patterns left on frozen cars windshields and be in awe at beautiful icicles and witness pure whiteouts of snow.

Grab your coat and wrap that scarf tightly as it’s going to get very bitter outside as these photos are so ice-cold that you’ll feel the cold draught from where you are sitting.

Lake Michigan Lake shattered into these beautiful ice shards

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Icicle shaped like a hummingbird

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Frost pattern on this car this morning

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Anthropomorphic Icicle hanging from my eave this morning…

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Soo cold the grill froze to the ground

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The way my windscreen froze

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Cat vs ice claws

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This just in: Newfoundland changes name to “Newlostland” following winter apocalypse

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This floating ice shelf after the water level drops

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It’s been so cold, I snapped my welcome mat!

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Endless snow-covered forest in Finland

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When wind meets freezing rain

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Driving through freezing rain turned my wheels into something from Mad Max

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My dad throwing boiling water in the air on a very cold day

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Welcome to Vladivostok, Russia

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River levels fall, lapping ripples kiss ice cold, Missouri driftwood

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Stoplights in Lake Tahoe filled with snow due to a crappy design of not having the bottom cut out to prevent snow accumulation. It’s a world-class ski area, snow should be a key factor in all design decisions

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Snowcone – Helmcken Falls, British Columbia Canada

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This is Canada. Saw this while skiing. It was a little cold

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This Christmas bush under a smooth blanket of snow

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Freezing fog (hoar frost) on top of a wind turbine

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Forget about the arctic cold and surf the lake they said. It’ll be fun they said

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Frozen flower I found in Austin during the Texas winter storm

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How the water froze on my window

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Draining water froze around a chain creating a bad ass icicle!

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Ice coming out of this hole in a hand railing

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Beautiful but weirdly creepy icicles grew on my house this winter.

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The way this ice froze

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In winter, people at my university take children’s clothing items, dip them in water and hold them in place until they freeze like this all over campus. As the weather warms up the “invisible children” slowly melt to the ground

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Mighty crown of ice formed on my bucket of ice water

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When the road wants to kill you

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What happens when the water is not turned off in a non winterized house. 5ft frozen solid

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Dutch firefighter after dousing a fire in freezing conditions

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The pattern the ice left on my grill

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Guy parks on the stripes thinking he can avoid the freezing rain only to be under a leaky pipe

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It warmed to 26 f and the pajamas are melting Matrix-style

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The way the mud froze on my truck looks like a painting of the Forrest

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Snow covered net roof of the aviary in the zoo

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Spaghetti Tundra

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Came out of work to this interesting ice formation on my car

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The way the drizzle froze to the chicken wire

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So y’all like pics of poorly insulated houses, eh?

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Written by Riley

Joyenergizer Pop Culture Journalist

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