Welcome to another instalment of Health & Safety Fails or as we like to call it ‘101 Crazy Ways to Die!’
You’ll be amazed as you witness pure images of safety fails and disasters waiting to happen. Although these images may make you chuckle it’s alarming to think that these people could be seconds away from actually injuring or even killing themselves or others all because they are too lazy to abide by health and safety rules.
You can see more Safety Fails – 25 WTF Safety Disasters Waiting to Happen & 35 More Safety Disasters Waiting to Happen.
When your ladders just aren’t long enough (or actually the right kind of ladders to put against cables!)

Who needs a mask anyway?

I can see one major problem with this self-made harness!

“If you hear a loud scream and crunching you know I’ve fixed the jam!”

Friends help each other out!

Like we said friends help each other out!

Seems like a lot of effort to trim a bush

Friendship Level = Engineers

I don’t think forklift trucks are road legal never mind carrying a van!

When you feel a red hot needle of pain then you’ve drilled too far!


We got this covered!

Someone forget their safety hat today!

This cone will surely stop people from falling down this hole!

Let’s hope they don’t have to brake hard

How about just getting rid of the broken fan?

Better not have an emergency at this site today

Let’s hope all that flammable dust in this silo doesn’t ignite

Somebody’s been to IKEA

Good job that really thin and flimsy piece of cable is holding all that weight of the bricks

Go for it!

Good job those workers are underneath to catch this extremely heavy block if the hoist fails

It’s okay he’s wearing a hard hat!

I see nothing wrong here!

… Or here!

No safety platform? Just use a workers head!

Is this screwdriver for gouging out eyes if the pain is too unbearable?

When you’re too tight to pay for a window cleaner!

If this car was left-hand drive they’d be dead!

“Whoa! This is the moment we’ve feared, people. Many of you thought it would never happen, but I insisted we spend two hours every morning training for it. You all thought I was mad.
Many of you requested to be transferred to another honey factory. But now, we–“

You’ve still got another step ladder to utilise yet!

A worker using a grindstone at London & North Western Railway’s Crewe works in 1913

Just get a closer look to see what you are doing

Just a daddy forklift helping us baby forklift out!

There are so many things wrong with this!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1….. Kaboom!

I don’t like the way that metal sheet is bowing like that

The Russian Doll inspired tow truck

Is he trying to kick the chimney down?

Ladder skills = Pro

That’s some skill

No masks, no gloves, no worry!

…. No shoes either!

He’s lucky that guy holding the ladder looks pretty strong

It’s good to see there is no obstruction on this footbridge

Ladder skill = Pro Gold

This looks perfectly safe!

This is how they fix aircon in Indonesia!


Obviously, there is a need for this sign

Once again like we said friend help each other out!

I think I can grab the twig that is blocking it with my mouth!

Who needs a tow truck?

The fire door at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory