
Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures

What’s down at the the bottom of the garden?

In 1917 two little girls Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths from Cottingley, Bradford in England took some rather magical photos at the bottom of their garden. The photographs appeared to show the two girls playing with fairies.

The photos became world famous in 1920 when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who used them in an article in The Strand Magazine. Doyle was very enthusiastic about the photos and interpreted them as clear evidence of that fairies existed.  Although 60 years later both the girls admitted that the photos in question were all fake except for one.

Which brings me to the subject of this post. These gorgeous garden fairy sculptures (which you can buy) are all created by Fantasywire. These fantastic wire frame pieces were actually inspired by an inexplicable encounter.

“A couple of years ago, while trying out my new camera, I took the picture in the woods at the bottom of my garden. It was only later when looking at the results that I spotted the figure in the tree. It’s obviously a trick of the light coming through the trees. What else could it be? Whatever it is, it captured my imagination and inspired me to use the idea in my sculpture.”

All the fairies are made uniquely exactly how you want them and hand crafted to you desired pose. Check out FantasyWire’s site or visit the Facebook Page.

Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog

Blown Away

Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog

6 Foot Dandelion

Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog

The Mask

Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog


Fantasy Wire Fairy Sculptures - Girly Design Blog

Written by Danni

Hello my name is Danielle. Owner and previous Editor of That Looks Fab! and Hard-Up Mum. I am an artist and love all things art and design related.


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