I’m particularity picky when it comes to food. Even the wrong choice of packaging, the wrong name, the wrong colour scheme or logo can scare me away from buying certain food items.
Companies should do some valuable research before they put out a product, because there is nothing worse than releasing a new chocolate bar and it has a dirty sounding name or simply lost in translation.
Here we a have a whole selection of food products from around the world. Some of them with very dirty sounding names and some with innocent mistranslations (maybe?)
Yes, we have another post about dirty sounding names. Smirk! <childish giggle> also you can check out Dirty Named Cocktails and Innocent Photos that Look Dirty if you want more laughs.
Does anyone fancy a glass of Vergina? How about a bottle of Pee Cola? Do you fancy a Homo Sausage with Shitto sauce? Plopp chocolate bar or a Man Goo anyone?
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