
Seems Legit! – 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brands & Products

How do they get away with it?!

Some unscrupulous manufacturers like to cash in on a famous brands appeal and popularity. The easiest way to do this is not by actually licensing the products, oh no, they just plain rip them off instead!

Some people may call it ‘inspiration’, but to some it’s just plain laziness and plagiarism! Obviously, most of these knock-off businesses, food outlets and products are from countries that have relaxed counterfeit and copyright laws (we are looking at you China!).

It’s amazing that they continue to get away with it. Maybe there is hope for my new fast food restaurant after all, which I have decided to call ‘Kentucky Fried McPizza King!’

I can’t believe it also says ‘Porn Queen’ on the logo too!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I hope they too are offering a free upgrade to Binbows 10!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Open wide, say ewwhhh!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems legit!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Could this be the leaked photos of the next iPhone? I hope it has wireless charging, oh, and also I hope it looks like a a shoe. There’s never enough phones that look like a shoe!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer


Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I’m still waiting for the next batch called ‘Mike Hair!’

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Nice! Brush your teeth with ‘Crust’

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Oh dear, I hope they are not made by donkeys!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I dread to think what this product is advertising!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Nothing phony about this Fony!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Unveiling the iPhone 8

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Joens Danhse Quality Tenderness Whiskey. It’s not the fake name that struck me it’s the fact that the number 1 is upside down

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Snooby. The world-famous beagle!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Mars S & M’s. For that kinky chocolate fan!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer


Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

You’re damn straight this ain’t butter!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I love a glass of Red Labial by Johnnie Worker

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Who’d have thought Google now sell toilet roll!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Or maybe this is the next iPhone? Apple going for a more late 90’s retro look

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Nake – Just do it!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Always protect your skin from the sun with Internet Explorer 9!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

The PC brigade have finally caught up with Nintendo. They cannot use the sexist name of ‘Gameboy’ any more!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Can I have a McDoner Kebab with McChips please?

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

When you can’t afford Chanel, try Cnanel!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Kentucky Fried G…?

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

This sign completely makes absolutely no sense!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

How many Dr.Pepper rip offs can there be? With so many choices, it’s hard to pick a fave, but I’m going for ‘Dr. Perky’

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Burger Friends, now with trampoline!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

That’s a very dodgy sounding name!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

The Mini PolyStation 3. I hope it plays Mini Grand Car Theft V

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I think the sign writer had a seizure when they were installing this sign!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Sour Frittles. Taste the Rainbow

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

I would have never have guessed this pen was made in China!

Seems Legit! - 40 Hilarious Knock-Off Brand & Products - Joyenergizer

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.


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