
Steffen Kraft (ICONEO) Creates Amazing Art with Pandemic Face Masks

A little hope for 2020!

In the current pandemic crisis that has affected the whole world the face mask or covering has become a way of life and they even turned out to be the surprise fashion accessory of 2020!

Sadly there is a collective of people who refuse to wear a face-covering because they comment “it takes away their freedom” and they believe the crazy conspiracy theory that the government are trying to control us or maybe just because they are plain jerks!

With all the doom and gloom that this year has brought us, we thought we’d look at something rather inspiring and to bring us a little hope all with the help of German designer and artist Steffen Kraft.

Kraft has created these simple but awesome artworks just by using a surgical face covering and a marker pen and hopefully, they will put a smile on your face. Not that people will even notice if you’re out a face-covering right now but hey, every little helps!

You can see more of Steffen Kraft’s artwork on Instagram

Stay safe everyone!

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Written by Milan

Joyenergizer Community Member

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