Having anxiety disorder has obvious negative effects on an individual, but its impact extends much further afield.
Anxiety disorder takes its toll on the individual, family, friends, colleagues and children alike, and while these affected others often do whatever they can to improve the situation, it can be difficult to know what constitutes as helpful.
1. Understand the Problem

It is unhelpful to hear things like “just cheer up” or “stop being sad” when you’re suffering from anxiety disorder. Remind yourself every time you feel compelled to suggest this to someone that they are not choosing to feel that way. Do research so that you understand what causes the problem and what fixes the problem.
2. Join Them in Helpful Activities
It can be helpful for someone suffering with anxiety to have the problem normalised. Consider joining them in some calming activities like yoga, or meditative breathing, or going to a spa together. This way, they not only have the opportunity to unwind, centre and practice self-care, but they experience this without feeling alienated.

3. Eat Healthily
It may seem quite straight forward, but often people underestimate the correlation between a healthy body and a healthy mind. “Cutting out things like sugary drinks and caffeine may initially feel like it’s causing more harm than good, but once the body acclimatises, it will feel more energetic and clear-headed, making things like sleep easier” says Steven Pearson, a Health writer at BoomEssays and UK Essay Writing Service.
4. Consult A Professional

Remember that encouraging a loved one to see a medical professional when it comes to mental health, as it can be misinterpreted as “palming someone off”, or not caring enough to do it yourself, or implying something is wrong with them. You need to learn that as helpful and supportive as you likely are, there are professionals who can assess how serious a problem this is. Help them come to terms with the necessity and make them feel safe about the decision.
5. Set Up Small Goals
Obviously, the overarching goal is to facilitate the eradication (or at least healthily management) of your loved one’s anxiety. However, this is not going to happen overnight. A stretched-out goal can make a person feel like they aren’t improving or progressing, so help them overcome this by setting them small goals. Things like doing 10 minutes of deep breathing, or going for a walk once a day, will remind them that they’re capable and that things will get better.
6. Have A Clean Out

Make a day of it: help them go through their cupboards, bookshelves, cabinets, and even fridge, throwing away (or donating) anything they don’t feel they need or use anymore. Have a big yard sale and using the money to execute point 2 and go for a lovely pamper day. Hopefully, literally removing toxic or unwanted things from their life will help them do the same with their anxiety disorder.
7. Establish Routine
Unfulfillment and anxiety can be a result of lacking structure. This ties in with making small goals, as it facilitates a sense of achievement. “Help them establish routine, including things like meal times, sleeping patterns and activities. Thus, when a day is completed exactly to schedule, they are left feeling satisfied and accomplished” explains Kimberly Krout, a writer at Essayroo and Assignment Help.
8. Invite Them Out
Including your loved one who suffers from anxiety is very important in making them feel like they will get better. It may seem difficult to have someone around who is down or anxious, but realistically the only way that can improve is by forcing them out of self-depreciating habits, like staying at home or refusing to socialise.
9. Group Exercise

Exercise is key to feeling fresher and well. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise alone, so try suggesting the two of you join a form of group exercise. This is doubly useful for someone with anxiety because it forces accountability and sociability.
10. Cut Out Cable
Replacing cable and daytime television with a streaming channel can make all the difference to someone’s mental state. The suggestion is not that they don’t consume television, but rather avoid the kind of stuff that is watched mindlessly. Just the act of choosing what to watch is helpful.
While each of these suggestions comes with its own power and benefits, they are best used in conjunction. The thing to remember is that this is not a quick-fix project, but a way of life that needs to be established. Always remember that you’re doing the best you can, and that every little bit helps.