
Awful Everything – More Terrible News Stories That Show Humanity is Doomed!

Sad face emoji

Be prepared to be angry as this post is not one that will fill you with joy I’m afraid.

If you’ve been endlessly doom scrolling on social media or even watching the news lately it may feel like humanity is doomed.

Here is a collection of news stories that can only be deemed as the ‘worst of the worst’. These will make your blood boil. From diabical people, fractured healthcare systems, abusive police officers, and the fat cat rich.

You can see more crazy fucked up shit at Awful Everything. You may need to visit this post afterward to see maybe humanity is worth saving – Wholesome pictures that maybe prove the Earth isn’t a spinning ball of shit after all.

The system is so fucked!

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Capitalism at its worst

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Richest Country

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It’s sad how true this is

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8-year-olds have to go through this

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They look like the evil-high classes characters from Tim Burton’s ‘Corpse Bride’

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A running top

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Why are the Kardashians famous in the first place

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Don’t go to Seaworld

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Aaron Tucker

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Everything about this

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Using the market to hurt the rich

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Rest in Peace, Acab

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Poor orcas

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My name is Ryan Whitaker

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If someone told me not to smile; I would smile uncontrollably.

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Sad reality

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The power of hate

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When your harassed for trying to expose criminals

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We’re all spoiled

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This man raped then killed a 10 yrs old girl named Katie , when one of his inmates heard the story he tattooed ” Katie’s Revenge ” on the rapist’s forehead by force

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Beyonce’s pseudo-feminism is letting her keep the evil practice under the shroud

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Thanks for leaving a notice slip

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Damn, that’s fucked up!

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One of the reasons people riot

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Not suspicious at all a weed user trying to buy that many drugs…the police killed her in more way than one.

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Only twats mess with the homeless

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Couldn’t imagine

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A racist hateful idiot

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Sometimes, when people get depressed, they smash their own face in, pour acid on their genitals, and shoot themselves. Apparently.

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Signs in American

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The fact that this is so common is heartbreaking

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Jim Carrey is the news now I guess

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I didn’t know about that

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Calling homeless people “animals”

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We’re All In This Together, The Struggle For Liberty Will Continue

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I wish …humanity changes

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Everyone should work 937% harder

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Yo, this hurts a lot!!!

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That’s terrible

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The US justice system

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Just awful

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Dramatic photos from around the globe record mankind’s destruction of the planet

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In Egypt a girl escaped her home because she was beaten everyday, the police found her and returned her back to her parents, thats how she look like when they pictured her reunited with her abusive parents

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Special privileges

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Only a few bad apples

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Entitlement 101

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Written by Robert De Zero

Joyenergizer Pop Culture Journalist


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