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30 Ideas That Will Make You Think “Why the Hell Was This Not Invented Earlier?”

Well done!

Have you ever come across a really great bit of innovation that makes you think “Why the hell was this not invented sooner?”

Here is a neat collection of clever ideas and I think a pat on the back is in order for the inventors of these innovative products.

Never Be Late Again With the Water Fountain That Also Tells the Time… Woah!

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Never Get A Wet Ass Again With This Rotating Bench Seat


And Speaking of Rotating, How About These Power Sockets?

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Want To Know How Beneficial Taking the Stairs is for Your Health? These Stairs Tell You How Many Calories You Have Burned Step-By Step

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The Easy to Store Folding Bicycle Helmet

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A Tie that Doubles Up as a Phone Screen Cleaner

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The Hot Sauce With Adjustable Heat Levels

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Easily Open Your Amazon Deliveries With This Rip Cord Packaging Tape

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Easily Identify a Free Parking Space in a Crowded Car Park

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Banana Peel Slippery Floor Signs


These Handy Different Colour Bags for Frozen Food, So You Know Which Needs to Be Unpacked First

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Finally, A Flash Drive with an Exterior Capacity Meter

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No More Coffee Rings. The Coffee Cup That Catches Spills


A Braille Rubik’s Cube, and Why Not?

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Disabled and Elderly People Can Swipe Their Cards to Allow Extra Crossing Time. Pretty Clever!

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Never Get a Tangled Hair Brush Again


The Pringles Elevator

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The Lift With Horizontal Buttons for Easy Access for Wheel Chair Users

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This Chair With a Handy Bag Hanger Built-In

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The Pizza Box that Can Be Recycled for Target Practice. Only in America!

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See-Through Highlighter Lets You See Exactly What You Are Highlighting

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The Measuring Jug, Which Tells You How Much You Are Pouring

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Finally, a USB Charger That Works Both Ways

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The Handy Egg Yolk Separator


Using Lego to Plan Your Building Work

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A Receipt That Tells You How Healthy You Have Eaten

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A Handy Plug with a Finger Hole Pull

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The Laminated Re-Usable Patient Form

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Written by Milan

Joyenergizer Community Member

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