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30 Things You May Have Forgotten About McDonald’s If You Grew Up in The 80s & 90s

Remember Big Macs in styrofoam?

Do you remember McDonald’s back in the 80s and 90s. Do you remember burgers in styrofoam and McDonalds’ Birthday Parties?

I remember walking into McDonald’s when I was younger and I would be greeted by the amazing smell of McDonald’s fries. Nowadays it smells like a school canteen, but back then, when McDonald’s used to be good and the the food actually tasted nice It felt like a real treat. Especially after a hard day walking around shopping with your mum. it was a fantastic end to the day to have a Happy Meal.

Yes, Happy Meals and the toys that came with a them were really cool McDonald’s themed toys. You’d get McDonald’s racers and even food transformers. Now it’s always some movie tie-in or much worse like a boring book. I still remember that the restaurants used to have a dedicated children’s seating area with themed tables and chairs. Friends would have birthday parties and Ronald McDonald would make an appearance and he would be splashed over all the merchandise too. It was a time before they felt they needed to offer healthy options. You went McDonald’s for a burger, fries and shake not a salad! It’s because of this poor old Grimace had to go on diet. Those good old days are gone, and poor old Ronald has long disappeared because nobody likes creepy clowns any more. I miss those days!

First of all do you remember this old packaging designs?

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So much styrofoam!

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The classic kids activity tray liner

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Hey, It’s Ronald McDonald I remember him

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When McDonald’s used to have kids seating

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Ahhh, the good old Happy Meal, but do you remember Super Mario 3 toys?

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These awesome McDonald’s food transformer toys

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… And these

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McDonald’s Characters Pull Back Racers

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Who could resist these cute nuggets toys that look more like potatoes?

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Do you remember these guys? We love you Mayor McCheese you will always be in our hearts!

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These high chairs

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Drive-thru menus took a lot longer to read back then

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These hot drink stirrers

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Maybe you were lucky to have a McDonald’s that had a Nintendo N64 play area

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The creepy Mac Tonight Moon Head advertising campaign for out of hours McDonald’s

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Did you ever ride a Filet o’ Fish?

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… or sit and spin on a cheeseburger seat?

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These Halloween Trick or Treat Pails

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In 70s US these Halloween Gift Certificates were given out – Those lucky b**stards!

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Can you remember Beanies Babies as Happy Meal toys?

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Did you ever spend time in Burger Jail?

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Collected your Batman Forever pint glass

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Finally… Do you remember this advert? McNugget’s Awaaaay!

Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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