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45 Times People’s Spectacular Interior Design Fails Made Us Say WTF!

(Rolls Eyes)

Sometimes it’s hard to understand people’s questionable interior design choices.

We just have to ask one questions…. Were these people high on drugs at the time they envisioned some of these home improvement monstrosities?

From toilets placed in strange hard to get places to skeewiff doorways and kitchen appliances and why would you want carpets covering your baths?

You can see more really awful interior design at – 60 Times We Had To Question People’s Really Crappy Interior Design Choices.

Are you worthy enough to sit on the toilet throne?

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Go home doorway you’re drunk!

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Up the drain goes

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Imagine trying to scrub this clean!

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The sink on this kitchen makes no sense. Even the microwave is shocked!

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Now wash your hands you filthy animal!

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Arggghhh, my eyes!

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I wouldn’t want to try and take a piss while drunk!

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Why the f**k?

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The floor design that will keep you on your toes!

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Welcome to the throne room

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At least it is easy to reach!

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This single square inch of raised carpet complete with lining

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Now I can enter my home straight into the shower

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Can you imagine the whole house shaking when it spins?

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The cooker disapproves

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Is this the house from ‘Thirteen Ghosts’?

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The ankle breaker

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Now this would really bug me!

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“Seriously, Doctor, I fell down the stairs while shaving”

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The ‘so the kids can’t hear us having sex’ bedroom noise door!

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Why do they need to conceal all of this?

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Rare footage of the Queen’s toilet… Shame she didn’t flush!

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Imagine being a firefighter and entering a smoke filled house through this window?

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This ‘form over function’ kitchen

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A for effort

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Surely this fan needs to be able to suck in air?

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My OCD senses are tingling

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Yes, I want my stairs to be like Hogwarts please!

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This camouflaged sharp corner to stub your toe on

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What’s going on here?

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If you come across this bathroom then run… Just run!

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My Uncle’s got a bathroom without a door and this is literally the first thing you see when you enter the house

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Too much?

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The shower with blinds instead of a curtain!

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Let’s hope you don’t need to pass this in the middle of the night

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I can hear “Baby Shark” in my head

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If you don’t get neck ache from watching the TV and it doesn’t fall on your head while sitting on the sofa then the decor will give you eye ache!

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Just what I wanted… Carpet all over in my bathroom

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All this bathroom needs is a jukebox and a soda fountain!

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Finally, this tile design looks like it’s covered in black mold

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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