Our inept and corrupt government has outstayed their welcome and it’s time for a change.
We don’t usually like to get involved in politics but the United Kingdom is fucked and enough is enough and we’ve had it with all the tory sleaze and scandal.
You only have to look at the pathetic bumbling scruffy-haired muppet below who runs the Conservative party and our country to make your judgment.
Just do it… Look at him… Don’t be afraid… Just say it… I know what you are thinking… “What a c*nt!”
This guy could have the best stylist and wear a suit made out of gold and gemstones and he’d still look scruffy AF!
If looking at this joke of a man doesn’t make you angry then wait until you read about just some of the crap he and his party have pulled recently.
That’s the trick he pulls. He looks like a bumbling monkey on the exterior but really on the inside he is a calculated corruption monger and ring leader of the equally sleazy Conservative Party.
This man lied to get the British people to vote for leave on the Brexit Referendum 2016 by stating that we’d be saving the NHS £350 Million a week by not sending it to the EU which was total and utter bollocks! Now they are increasing the national insurance tax to cover there shortfalls and lies.
He then only got voted in because he said he would “get Brexit done”. A problem he’d help cause in the first place. he then still managed to and is still managing to screw up all Brexit deals to this day.
Corruption, corruption, corruption
These are just some of the things they’ve done over the last couple of years…
He bumbled at the start of the Pandemic by not taking it seriously and not putting in restrictions early enough. Then, when they happened his then slimy chief advisor Dominic Cummings who helped, mastermind the Brexit Leave campaign broke the lockdown rules straight away.
One rule for them and another for us
Cummings fearing that he and his wife had covid decided to travel the length of the country from London to Durham even with the stay-at-home order was in place. He was spotted at a tourist hotspot – Barnard Castle and said he had only travelled there to test his eyes having used the visual impairment problems associated with Covid at the time as an excuse. But what kind of normal human being thinks that to test their eyes sight I will drive a fucking car 30 miles with my family inside? Did he get reprimanded for this? No. Luckily though he is no longer part of the Tory scumbags.
He gave his mates contracts
At the time of the UK have the highest covid death rate in the whole of Europe those sleazy Tories took their time and managed to give their personal friends and organisations that had links to the Conservative party all the contracts even with them not having any expertise in health. Transparency International UK reported that one in five government award Covid contracts between February and November 2020 raised red flags and could be corrupted but no action was taken. Unbelievable!
There were systemic biases also in place and PPE contracts were awarded to those who had political connections to the Torys and between them got £2.1 billion worth of contracts. A lot of them didn’t even deliver on and kept the money anyway which resulted in frontline NHS workers experiencing shortages of vital PPE at the start of the pandemic.
Free meals fail
Government-funded free meals that were provided to low-income families’ children which were supposed to be worth £30 went viral on social media because they were not fit for purpose. The “meals” consisted of half bananas, baked beans and slices of cheese on bread. It was found out that the company responsible for this shit show was owned by Tory donor Paul Walsh. With the government doing their hardest to not give a fuck about feeding children it was left to footballer Marcus Rashford, starving parents and grassroots organisations to tell them to re-evaluate the meals and buck the fuck up!
Track and trace shambles
More fuck ups came with the disastrous track and trace app which costs a whopping £37 billion in funding but failed catastrophically when it failed to log over 600 million Covid tests. Serco the company which was awarded £410 million in contracts for track and trace company had previously been fined £19.2 million from a previous contract. Guess who was the lobbyist at the time? health minister Edward Argar and the CEO Robert Soames who is the brother of a former MP.
Boris’s flat renovation
The PM was also investigated for spending £200k on renovations for his Downing Street flat which completely exceeds the allocated £30k per year allowance on renovations. This all came out from the now-former chief adviser Dominic Cummings who had soon turned on him. Cummings accused the PM of intending to fund his renovations from Conservative Party donors which is unethical and possibly illegal. He apparently spent £840 per roll for some gold wallpaper!
Matt Hancock breaking lockdown rules
Not only was the Health Secretay caught out on CCTV breaking covid rules but was also cheating on his wife at the same time with an adviser he’d hired with the taxpayers’ money. This millionaire advisor was also the director of a company that had been awarded multiple high paying NHS contracts!
He then had the nerve to say he wasn’t going to step down even though he openly said it was the right thing to when another MP who had done the exact same thing had to step down.
Sleazy lobbying
David Cameron was the ultimate slimeball predecessor before Boris took over from the also equally awful Theresa May. He was exposed as a lobbyist for ministers and officials to get “legit financial” company Greensill Capital to join the Corporate Covid Financing Facility.
Also, it was found that Arconic the company which made the flammable cladding that was on the Grenfell Tower which resulted in the death of 72 people was linked to funding the Tories which gave £25k to Boris Johnson in 2017.
Source | Report
If Boris and his party holding regular parties and events illegally while we were all locked down and unable to see loved ones on the lockdown doesn’t piss you then obviously you may be part of the problem why these fuckwits are still in power. They say they needed the get-together because of all the stress and they were “overworked”. What about the poor NHS staff and the many frontline key workers who risk everything to keep the country running?
Just imagine not being able to see a loved one who is dying in hospital for the last time? Not being able to stay or comfort your child while they are having cancer treatment or being able to attend a funeral for your mother or father while the tories are having drinks and playing party games. Doesn’t that make you fucking angry?
Slandering opposition leader with fake news
With the opposition MPs and leaders and even other members of the Tory party calling for Boris Johnson to resign he responds like a pathetic coward by going into ‘Trump mode’. He slanders Sir Kier Starmer with fake news about him failing to prosecute Sir Jimmy Savile over all his heinous crimes.
Abandoning all Covid restrictions too early
While the investigation was and still is ongoing about Partygate the government then announce the early easing of all covid restrictions just to try and keep the voting public happy and distract us from the scandal.
I know this sounds wrong but Boris was probably glad of a crisis such as the Ukraine Invasion to completely overshadow all of the scandals over the last six months.
The affair
When Boris Johnson was mayor and having an affair with US businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri the PM gave her access to top-level business events which is a potential breach of the Mayor of London’s code of conduct.
The privatisation of Channel 4
With the Channel’s heavy criticism of the 2019 General Election Boris is quick to sell off this channel to the highest bidders which will probably have connections to the Conservative Party to allow them to control even more of the media and shut down it’s biggest critic.
A call for ID for voters
Boris’s answer to a problem that just doesn’t exist in the UK by voter fraud. The Government had assessed that millions of people do not have adequate ID so they would not be able to vote. Who are these people with inadequate ID? The poor, young, and disadvantaged and the ones less likely to vote for the tories.
Things they just refuse to do
Failure to tackle the cost of living crisis
Basically, they hate the poor, They really do. They will do anything to fuck the working class over. It’s always a case of giving with one hand but taking away more with the other hand. Whatever cuts or increases they do it screws the working class over. Of course, the cost of living doesn’t affect the average tory because most Tories are all a bunch of elite privileged public school and Eton alumni. Their failure to grasp what it’s actually like in the real world is astonishing when you don’t have privilege. Rishi Sunak the Chancellor of the Exchequer (a multi-millionaire whose wife hypocritically doesn’t pay tax and her business has links to Russia) doesn’t even know how much everyday items cost such as milk or a loaf of bread because his vast wealth and lifestyle is so far removed from normal people and he’s in charge of the country’s budget! Now millions of families face serious crippling debt, the possibly of starvation and being left homeless.
Lower fuel duty
Offering a pittance of 5p off a litre when forecourts still increased their fuel prices just won’t cut it. It’s almost like they want the transport system for the whole country to collapse. People and companies just can’t afford to keep topping up the fuel with its rising cost. The rest of Europe aren’t increasing their fuel like the UK. Maybe it’s a crazy way for us to switch to electric vehicles.
Apply a windfall tax on energy suppliers
Energy suppliers are only second place in the scumbag race after oil companies who have increased our bills by up to 50% and are expecting to increase them even more later in the year. Blaming this on the Ukraine crisis just won’t cut it as these price hikes were planned way before then. They have the nerve to boast about profits. A windfall tax would soon wipe the smiles off their faces and pass the potential increases onto the energy companies’ profits instead of leaving us to bear the costs.
Failure to sanction the Russian Oligarchs
Boris stalled on sanctioning the Russian Oligarchs because a lot of them fund the Tory party and one of his close friends is Russian Evgeny Lebedev who owns the Evening Standard. Boris also granted him a life peerage for philanthropy and services to the media, a move that drew criticism. British security services warned that granting Lebedev a peerage posed a national security risk, but Johnson went ahead with it despite the security service assessment.
Failure to help Ukraine refugees
Despite UK intelligence warning about a large-scale Russian attack on Ukraine the UK home office was caught off guard and had no Ukrainian refugee scheme in place. This meant they only would accept visa applications from Ukrainians who had immediate family in Britain. With so much red tape this has also been a slow and inept process.
Then once again the government puts the responsibility on the general public and with the cost of living for most families already skyrocketing they offer a measly £350 a month to house a Ukrainian family.
Failure to give the NHS workers a proper pay rise
After working their asses off throughout the pandemic the government decided that they should only get a 1% pay rise even though Boris praised them as heroes in 2020 and who treated him in the hospital when he got covid. MPs would again the year enjoy an extra £2,212 pay rise even after the partygate scandal!
Please people of the UK we need a revolution to save us from this corrupt circus of elitist clowns. Fuck them “eat the rich!”
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