Sometimes you witness something that will make you say “Oh Hell No”
From creepy nature that will make you want to burn the house down, to scary natural events such as sinkholes and the thrill-seekers that just like doing crazy assed things that will make most people say “fuck that shit!”
If you have a fear of spiders and creepy crawlies I would look away now!
Insurance Rep – “So tell me, how did the house burn down again?”

Let’s go caving they said. It’ll be fun they said!

I guess I’ll be using another toilet!


Hornets found an old mask sitting in an abandoned shed and built a nest around it. Nope.

I guess I’ll be risking a parking ticket

The Nope Slope!

I guess I’ll be using my hand as a wipe!

“Honey, where is the dog?”

I think they call these ‘Ninja Dogs!’

“Hi, I’ve come to ruin your day!”

I thought I could feel whiskers on my ball sack!

Now, how do I get down?

Yes, that is a snake dangling out of this chilled Herron’s neck

It’s time to burn the house down!

The terrifying mouth of a Caecilian, a predatory worm-like amphibian

Mountain lions moving back into Boulder during lockdown

A little bit of sick just came out!

Our new home security device

Welcome to Jellyfish Beach

Insurance Rep – “So, you say your car is a write-off?”

“Oh Hell No!”

Located at a bar in Shinjuku, Japan. There is a bathroom with a GAINT head located in front of the toilet. Activated by the pressure from the seat, the face sings a strange drunken tune and slowly moves towards you… Making the room smaller and smaller, until its lips ‘kiss’ your knees

I’ll buy some coffee out!

The real ‘Snakes on a Plane’

Dare you press the switch?

F**k Dat!

Lights comes on the dashboard ‘Your snake has malfunctioned’

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