Celebrities you may think are a weird bunch of untouchable people, but this awesome collection of rare, funny and sometimes weird photos just goes to show they are like the rest of us after all.
The photos were provided by This is Not Porn, who have managed to compile a vast collection of rare photos of behind-the-scenes or everyday photos capturing a huge collection of movie stars, musicians and various other celebrities.
You can see more rare, weird and awesome celebrity photos at: thisisnotporn.net
Franco Columbu and Arnold Schwarzenegger playing chess

Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill in disguise.

Dick Warlock as Michael Myers Having a Coke on the Set of Halloween II

Jack Nicholson goofing around on the set of ‘The Shining.’

Harrison Ford in his workshop

Jim Carrey impersonating celebrities

Carrie Fisher on the set of The Empire Strikes Back

A young Keanu Reeves

Will Ferrell at the Senior Winter Ball at University High School in Irvine, 1986

More than I wanted to see of Donald Trump

10 year old Christopher Walken

Tim Curry as Pennywise with crew on the set of It
David Bowie and Mick Jagger chilling on a couch

Greg Orme, Kelli Allman, Barack Obama and Megan Hughes on the night of their senior prom, 1979

Marlon Brando making a silly face

Sigourney Weaver and Louise Head (Carrie Henn’s stunt double) impersonating the Alien Queen on the set of Aliens.

Steven Spielberg and Michael J. Fox on the set of Back to the Future

Michael Keaton with hair stylist Yolanda Toussieng and makeup artist Ve Neill on the set of Beetlejuice

Rae Dawn Chong and Arnold Schwarzenegger eating lollipops on the set of Commando

Don Johnson, Sylvester Stallone and Steven Seagal

Muhammad Ali goofing around on his couch with a framed photograph of then-heavyweight champion Sonny Liston, 1963

Jim Carrey on the set of The Mask

Leonard Nimoy with his parents, Dora and Max, and his son Adam at the Los Angeles Farmer’s Market, 1967

Tim Burton and Jack Nicholson on the set of Batman.

Groucho Marx and Alice Cooper at a celebrity fundraising event, 1974

A young Princess Diana playing tennis

No it’s not Hoddor, but John Huston and Orson Welles on the set of The Other Side of the Wind

Tim Roth and Michael Madsen on the set of Reservoir Dogs

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu playing around as vampires

Chuck Norris teaching Barbra Streisand some karate moves, 1975

A young John Candy

Abe Vigoda, James Caan and Al Pacino on the set of The Godfather

A young Steven Seagal when he trained Aikido in Japan

Kenny Baker and David Prowse who played R2-D2 and Darth Vader

Michael Jackson skateboarding.
George Lucas taking a break on the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark

Robin Williams

Roy Orbison riding a go-kart

A young Kurt Russel and Davy Jones of The Monkees on the backlot of Walt Disney Studios

A young George Clooney

A young Noel Gallagher of Oasis

Director Irvin Kershner riding on a tauntaun on the set of The Empire Strikes Back

Tim Curry getting his makeup done to be Darkness in Legend

Matt Rose and Shannon Shea helping Kevin Peter Hall with his Predator costume on the set of Predator

14 year old Jodie Foster showing off her basketball skills in her school uniform at Lycée Français de Los Angeles

Bob Wall, Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris having a laugh on the set of Way of the Dragon

Billy Dee Williams hanging out with a Gamorrean guard and Salacious B. Crumb during the filming of the documentary Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton playing ping pong

Arnold Schwarzenegger reading WWF Magazine with hos co-star Jesse Ventura on the cover on the set of Predator

17 year old Carrie Fisher goofing around

David Bowie, Shari Weiser and Jim Henson