Now, I’m not saying that Russia is a crazy f*#ked up place, but be prepared to view some of the most mental and craziest images you will ever seen and all sourced from a collection of Russian dating sites!
Welcome to the latest addition in our Really Awful series. Have a perusal through this gallery of Eastern European men and women who are all looking for love. From gun-toting gangster wannabes and axe-wielding ladies to a woman posing in a pile of trash to another stuck in a washing machine! It puts a whole new spin on the term ‘looking for someone special.‘
Who knows what the hell is going on… Anyone?
The perfect recipe for a dating profile photo = Get shirtless – check. Rugs on the wall – check. A sofa with half missing – check. Crazy ass facial expression – check. You are all set!

Who knows what that very red-looking drink Jaguar is? I dunno, but it must be a turn on for Russian men!

Nothing says sexy more than a fringe only haircut and an AK-47!

Drago found a quicker way to clean his clothes and take a bath!

How the f…?

“Hey. How you doing?”

This is probably where she would end up if she went on a date with some of these guys!

That poor, poor table!

My eyes… my eyes. It burns!

There is a time and place for taking a portrait photo and the toilet is not one of them and what the hell is in that glass?

So, I married an axe murderer!

At least it shows she’s flexible!

She ain’t no Ariel!

Anyone know what is going on here?


We got ourselves a proper gangsta’ right here!

No. Really, what the hell is going on?

No… Really, what the hell is going on?

Kung Fu Panda!

…. ?!?!

She’s one hell of a party girl!

Stay classy!

Hey ladies!

Total Ninja shows he has a soft side

Don’t mess with this muthaf*#ka. He’s armed with a vacuum!

I’m really scared!

She’s the catch of the day!


Okay…. (rolls eyes)

“I’m sexy and I know it!”


If you don’t have an exotic location, just improvise!


Looking good man. Looking good!

People always said that Veronika was so sweet that her shit smelt of roses!

Hey, look I’m fat and fun! Not sure where that yellow pipe is going?

Pure class!

What a show off. This guy is doing it right!

Always check the background before taking that selfie!

They call her ‘The Muncher’

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