When you’re mega-rich it might be difficult to find any more expensive things to waste your money on?
So what can you buy when you have more money than sense?
Well, not long ago one of Lexi Brown’s tweets exploded on Twitter when they posted a truly ridiculous fashion item for sale at Nordstrom’s – The now infamous Pavé Chair Bag.
Even the product description acknowledges its impracticality – “Always have a front-row seat thanks to this sparkly pavé folding chair made in collaboration with lifestyle brand Myreality. Shown on the runway at New York Fashion Week, this bedazzled objet d’art doesn’t actually carry anything, except for a conversation.”
While we may all laugh at this totally baffling fashion item, some people have actually purchased them, wrote reviews and now they are totally sold out!
Lexi’s tweet inspired more people to share more crazy and expensive items that only the rich would waste their money on!
Personally, I would have rather given my money to a good cause!
The must-have accessory this year

This airplane Louis Vuitton Bag!

You could have this fancy brick all for $300

This fancy handbag with hanging fruit accessories!

The rock with leather pouch

Shrimps Cocktail Bags are so hot right now

This bike lock necklace costs $845. Actual bike lock – $10.

The camel toe shoe

You too can look like a vet about to inseminate a horse with these beautiful gloves

Totally worth it!

This cheap moisturizing cream, only $1,290

The “How dare you keep looking at my groin. Stop sexualising me. Men are total pervs!” Jeans

The raincoat evening dress

This is what I’ve been looking for for ages. An Easter Island table tennis table!

Why would I want to wear frames with no lenses in?

Now you can blind all the other skiers with these impractical expensive ski goggles.

The penis-shaped vase

Collect the whole set. $280 each.


What in the world?

Those scuba shoes are mighty expensive

Silver ball of yarn for an expensive cat maybe?

I could be a really nice house for the price of this greenhouse!

The leather Dumbo hat

This dress is so fancy it comes with a shower curtain

These are going on the Christmas list

Wrap a sleeping bag around yourself and pay $819 for the privilege.

The bra purse