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14 People Who Should Be Fired Versus 14 People Who Need a Raise

There’s two kinds of people in this world!

Sometimes when you are out and about and minding your own business you can come across something that is so infuriating it makes your blood boil.

This could be a bit of terrible DIY that was completed by a lazy person or a badly designed product.

On the other hand you could come across somebody that has taken the effort and has been so ingenious that it makes your day!

Let’s take a look at 14 people who should be fired versus 14 people who deserve a pay rise or even promotion.

The Person Who Painted This Misaligned Black Strip!

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This Stunning Pan of Cubic Pattern Sausages

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The Person Who Installed This Toilet For Legless People

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The Shop Worker With Colour Co-Ordination

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The Moron Who Designed This Scissor Packaging

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The Creative Person Who Created This Shelf Display

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Erm…. No!

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The Person Who Took Time To Lay This Tiled Floor

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The “Hey, Stop Pissing On My Shoes” Urinal

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The Designer of This Pizza Sauce Topper

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Fire That Guy! Fire Them Now!

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This Car Dealership Sign Writer

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Hey, There’s a Parking Space…. D’oh!

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The Architect Who Designed This

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They Don’t Match or Align You Monster!

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Well Done. Very Well Done!

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This is Not Happening. This is Not Happening!

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The Staff Who Created This Tetris Style Tater Tots Tray

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This Crazy Lego Instructions

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The Best Looking Pancakes in the World?

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Now That’s Just Infuriating!

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This Must Have Taken Some Serious Time and Effort

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I Think I’m Gonna Be Sick!

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The Barista With Impeccable Hand Writing

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This Toilet Stall Gap So Big You Can Make Awkward Eye Contact With Everyone That Walks in

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The Genius Who Stacked These Shelves

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So, February is Already a couple of Days Short, But Now It’s Lost the 22nd Day Too!

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The Sun for Creating This Perfectly Aligned Shadow

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Written by Milan

Joyenergizer Community Member


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