Have you ever been shopping to Aldi or Lidl? It’s like shopping in a fake TV supermarket where they can’t infringe on copyright with the brand names, so have to make product names up!
Take for example ‘Wheat Shreds’, ‘Norpak Spreadable’ and ‘Head Strong Shampoo’. I’m not knocking any of these supermarkets, but they could at least try a bit harder to be a bit more original with the names, even if some of these products are actually made for the supermarkets by the famous brands themselves. Who knows maybe they are doing it on purpose?
See also – 38 More Hilarious Aldi and Lidl Rip-off of Famous Brands and 8 Reasons I Stopped Shopping at Aldi.
Why not check out this other rip off products too – How Do they Get Away With it? 50 Hilarious Knock-Off Brands & Seems Legit! 40 Hilarious Rip-Off Brands & 70 Bootleg Products.
At least the name is actually more accurate than the originals!

I can’t believe nobody has had a fun feline mascot for their cereal before!

Oooh, they sound exotic!

These look familiar!

Good food deserves Norpak

Who thought that love could be bought in a tub?

Anyone for Jagdbitter Bombs!

P-p-p-pick up a Seal Bar!

I’ve added the salt, now what?

Better watch out I’ve had my Bixies this morning

Lambrucini that well-loved ladies night drink

Now, they’re not even trying!

“I’d rather have a bowl of…. Choco Rice!”

Just add a ‘y’ and lose an ‘o’ and nobody will know!

Lovely, a bag of decapitated Pom-Bears

This shampoo looks ‘Head and Shoulders’ above the rest!

F**k it! Just call them ‘Hoops’

I’m surprised it’s not called Special ‘B’!

Yum! It’s time for that snack noodle that comes in a pot.

Wheat Bisks, Wheat Bix, Weetabix. If you actually say the name fast enough it sounds like the original!

I think it’s Austins O’clock people!

“You say ‘Soreen’, I say ‘So Malty!”

Monster Claws, nothing at all like Monster Munch!

Whirlz doesn’t quite have the same ring to it

Pigs do fly!

These Ice Blitz look ‘Fab’

Makes more sense than ‘Quavers!’

These look ‘Oats so simple’ to make!

Just do it! Just dip-it!

What’s that famous irish cream brand called again? ‘Ba….. Ballycastle’, that’s the one!

Missed a few off here, loads of their other biscuits look like the brands not just the Borneo’s, the packets of nuts are a lot like KP nuts until you look close, then there’s the jars of coffee.
Lidls Amazing lookalike M and Ms peanuts in chocolate.