
40 F**d Up Photos That Prove We Are Already Living in a Dystopian World

No independent thought… Conform… Sleep… Consume… Obey

We are living in a very strange climate at the moment…

We have a moron in the White House who can get away with anything and technology that is always evolving but in a scary way. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer and you can bet your life that Big Brother is always watching us. Next we will probably have a real-life Purge each year to get rid of the lower classes. You never know, maybe the privileged in society are controlled by aliens like in the movie ‘They Live’ who knows!

We’ve collected some examples from the sub-Reddit A Boring Dystopia (which was a phrase coined by cultural theorist Mark Fisher). Some of the images are quite concerning and may make you feel angry. There is a anti-homeless bench, bullet-proof school bags and a door that won’t let you out unless you smile. You will definitely think that we are already living in that Orwellian dystopian future that everyone keeps warning us about.

We just have to be happy and obey all orders without question!

Be a good citizen… Be happy

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Bureaucracy at its worst

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Can you believe it has come to this?

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The Anti-Homeless Bench

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Can we not save them as well?

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You can only take a selfie if you are one of the privileged

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This is so sad

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Buy soda to help fight diabetes. You couldn’t make this sh*t up!

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Fortune cookies… Now with ads

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Cash is freedom. Cash is social. Cash is control.

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They are making sure he’s got enough money to pay the healthcare bill

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Buying a new car solves everything

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Only the best live in the tower… Everybody else below. It’s the Trump way

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Gun show this weekend

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Broken society

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Remember… Big Brother is always watching… Always!

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Freedom of choice as long as it is blue!

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Trump’s Official Presidential Job Performance Survey has no negative choices!

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Books are knowledge… Books are bad… Obey!

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Merry Christmas

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Don’t forget… You can be reached anywhere. Remember connected workers are productive workers. We are an effective team!

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“He sees you when your sleeping, he knows when you’re awake”

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Evil shareholders reaction to the workers getting paid first over them!

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Mass shootings are now such a thing that Trump copies and pastes his responses!

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You get 3 minutes, no more.

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An accurate advert truly aimed at today’s millennials

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It’s a crazy world we live in, but sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry!

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She’s living the dream!

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Life is beautiful!

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Breaking News – Watch Live!

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Screw your kids future, go treat yourself

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Google helping its sponsors before its users!

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Employees love it!

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Use your blood to pay for things!

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is this really what Kurt Cobain would have wanted?

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Would you expect anything less from this douche bag?

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Plastic cups… the way nature intended it to be

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Learn the alphabet with corporate logos

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Unfollow the disbelievers

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God Bless America

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Finally…. Can you believe it?

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.


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