
40 Hilarious Signs That Will Make You Look Twice

There is always a story behind the need for a sign!

Signs are there to give us warnings, give us directions and tell us information. Nobody said they couldn’t be funny!

Let’s take a look at some hilarious signs that have been spotted from around the world. From honest yard sale signs to crazy fast food joints. All created by people who love their job, also by people who maybe hate their job, and people with a wicked sense of humour.

As we’ve seen before there seems to always be a story behind the need for a sign!

You may also want to check out – Funny Pub Signs, Funny British Signs, The Most Stolen Funny Road Signs, Funny Zoo Signs and Funny Signs in The Simpsons.

I think we can guess what inspired this sign

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Well done, very well done!


Abby’s skiving had caught up with her

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One man’s junk is another man’s treasure

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A great way to get your message across


There is nothing like f**kin’ with your customers

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Wait, what?


Does anyone read Apple’s Terms & Conditions?

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Sounds like a great prize


Vanilla Ice was enjoying his new job has a highway patrol guy

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I go to the Kurger Bing, I buy the Bamhurger


Another Vet trying out the comedy circuit


Joe was always accident prone

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You tell that to Thomas the Tank Engine!

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Challenge accepted

Seems like a fair price




Please don’t flush…


Dave the Vet always liked to try out his new material before he hit the comedy clubs

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Like I said there seems to be a story behind the need for a sign

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Now you know!

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Sam took the sign too literally

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Chris seems like a nice guy!


There is hope for us all


Oh yes… oh wait!

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I never would have though to do this until reading this sign

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Let’s pray for those dearly departed


I think I’ll pass!


These days you may need a multilingual sign


One way to get the message across

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Go Rams

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Never tried that meat before



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I got to congrajlate them on this

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And finally…


Written by Milan

Joyenergizer Community Member

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