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40+ People Acting Like Total Jerks and Need To Be Stopped

“Hey Moron, What the f**k are you doing?”

I don’t know if it is me or are people getting bigger and bigger jerks?

You have to admit that some human beings can be such awful people. Whether some of them do it on purpose to be a total asshole. Maybe they are totally unaware that other people exist, or are just plain f**king lazy, who knows! I’m sure when you browse down at these images you will be able to relate. The people who block shopping aisles while yakking to somebody they know, people who don’t tidy up after themselves at fast-food restaurants, people who park over two spaces and those assholes who listen to their music out loud in public places.

I Had To Get Into My Car From The Passenger Seat Because This Person Doesn’t Know What The White Lines Are For

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People Who Do This Are Just The Worst

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Assholes who sit like this while other people have to stand

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There Are Trash Cans Literally At Every Corner In Malls. Why Make Other People Clean Up Your Mess

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A Friend Saw This In The Subway During The Climate Strike

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People who park like this

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Putting the shopping cart back is part of the shitty human being test!

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This jerk off

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People who leave their table like this

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3 people, 12 seats

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For The Sake Of All Love That Is Holy, If You Do This, Please Pick A Side And Get Out Of The Damn Way

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People Hoping To Skip Queues By Standing Like This And Trying To Slip In

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70% Off Sales, People Touch Clothes And Throw Them On The Floor

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Lovely bit of cross-contamination here

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I think if somebody did this to me I would cut their hair off!

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People That Don’t Clear The Timer On The Microwave

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Our New Milkman Doesn’t Put The Milk Bottles In The Container After Taking The Empty Ones Out. Absolutely Barbaric Behaviour

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People Who Constantly Block The Isles Of Stores To Stand Around And Chat

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People Who Abandon Their Unwanted Groceries In The Freezer, Causing Them To Explode And Become Unsellable

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People who park their shopping cart in the way

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My Girlfriend Doesn’t Eat The Ends Of Her Fries

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When People Do This With Perishable Goods

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This Guy At My Work Never Drinks The Whole Coca Cola

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Someone At Work Asked If They Could Have One Of My Sudafed

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People who do this

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People Who Block My School’s Stairwells And Then Leave Them Like This

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Pawn Shops Who Put Price Stickers Right On The Lens Of A Camera. No Way That’s Coming Off Clean

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My Friend’s Attempt To Sell Something On Facebook Marketplace

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I hate people

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Has To Use My Coworkers Office Today Who Is On Vacation To Make Some Phone Calls. This Is What His Phone Cord Looks Like

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People who can’t pick up after themselves

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People Who Block Window Seats On Public Transit

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This Guy At The Coffee Shop Took His Shoes Off And Put His Feet On The Coffee Table

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Who the f**k eats a pizza like this?

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My co-workers desktop

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…. And it gets worse

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My Coworker Returned The Front Desk Stapler Like This. Told Me It Ran Out Of Staples

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Some Jerk In My Office: “Damn, That Was Close. If I Took That Last Ice Cube I Might Have To Refill The Tray”

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Somebody seriously needs a punch to the face!

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My 29-Year-Old Sister Does This Abomination. She Opens Multiple Packages Before Finishing The Already Open Ones. This Isn’t Restricted To Cookies

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If you do this then f**k you!

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This phone screen

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This Guy On My 9 Hr Flight Just Plugged These Bad Boys In Once They Turned Off The Lights At 11:30 Pm

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The Way This Professor Erases The Board

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Someone At Work Always Flips The Toilet-Roll This Way. I Flip It Back Several Times A Day, But He Doesn’t Give Up

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People who don’t peel the cover off electric items

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I’m Staying At My Friend’s House Tonight And Found This Monstrosity When I Used Their 10-Year-Old Son’s Bathroom

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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