Thank you, Internet… With you around, there is never a shortage of cringeworthy and awkward family photos.
Yes, it’s back for part four including awkward portraits and crazy things happening in the background to photos captured at the right time to photos that just leave us scratching our heads because they leave us simply baffled… All together now “What the hell is going on?”
You can see more awkward family photos here – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Xmas Edition Part 1, Xmas Edition Part 2 and Xmas Edition Part 3.

When you gotta go, you gotta go

Poor Alison decided on a dirty protest against the matching plaid outfits

Introducing the new Walmart store strain

Mommy, I fancy some melon!

That awkward moment you find out your in-laws are naturists!

Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to let Uncle Seth watch the kids

Things were looking up for young Jimmy

Have you got any change?

Welcome to 1984

Welcome to the Poodle Party

Somewhere hidden in this photo are two people holding a cock!

On the moooove!

The family was haunted by the spirit of a dead relative. Notice how mum is feeling the chill!

Personal hygiene is key

Six days lost in the forest was taking its toll on Billy


“Burning down the house”

Hold my hand honey, ready…. Jump. Oops!

“Can you see the cannonball yet little bro?”

[insert beached whale joke here]

Sandra was so drunk that her clam was showing

If Canada had a royal family


Willy Wonka’s Mike Teavee on his wedding day

“The power of Christ compels you!”

Betty reminisces with her kids about their father and that eventful night of alien abduction and insemination

Cobra Kai is in the house


3… 2… 1 bang!

Little Jenny (top right) knew she shouldn’t have smoked that bong before the photoshoot. Helen (bottom left) was pissed Jenny didn’t pass the kouchie on!

Dad has heard all your ‘ginger’ jokes and isn’t impressed!

Eastern European Wake up call

Always check the background when taking your photos

Maybe he’s lactose intolerant

Something hot is cooking in the kitchen baby!

What to do with baby Bianca for our photoshoot?

Kids, look away now!

I feel this Mom’s pain!

Make ‘Murica Great Again

Meet the cast of the next season of Squid Games

Who needs trays?

Granny’s now on offer at the supermarket

“See, that’s where you came from Tommy!”

Gareth suddenly realized “Oh shit, what if my other family in the next state over sees this photo?”

When your mom gets high and cuts the family hair


That awkward moment you find out your wife has been having an affair with your childhood soft toy for the last two years

Welcome to the Housewives of Alabama

When you’re so high you end up vacuuming the garden with your pet chickens

“Feed me or die”