
Passenger Shaming – 50 Times We Witnessed Complete Assholes While Travelling

These are passengers from hell!

We all know humanity is doomed and if you don’t believe me then just catch a flight today and you can witness first-hand a full spectrum of idiots in the sky.

From the entitled people who drape their hair over the back of their seat to people with dirty feet who insist on placing them through the gaps in the chairs. The idiots who insist on taking their pants off and the complete assholes who trash and litter the plane like spoiled babies. Are all these people the worst of humankind…? Oh yeah, they are the passengers from hell!

Passenger Shaming compiles the best of the worst when it comes to travellers on flights around the world.

You can see more on Instagram.


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Sometimes self-awareness is hard

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I guess duct tape does fix stupid after all

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Dirty bastards

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A for effort dude!

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We gave out a Darwin Award to the passenger who was so cold that she used a plastic bag (that held her blanket/pillow) & put it over her head to warm up. No. Fucking. Words.

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If your hair invades my space I have the right to cut it!

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Jeez, I just hope he was wearing a mask!

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Hot coffee meet selfish assholes foot

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How did they smuggle this shit on the plane?

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I guess they don’t wanna catch COVID!

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WTF is going on here?

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“I believe I can fly”

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Wash your fucking trotters, you dirty filth monger

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Would be awful if that hair was dipped in my sticky soda

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Is that the co-pilot from Airplane!?

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Parent brings own potty seat on board, sets it in aisle midflight to have child use (in front of everyone)- when discovered by crew was advised she couldn’t do this & would need to utilize the unoccupied lavatory…and her reply…“I don’t give a shit!”

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The aftermath of two adult passengers (not 478 children)

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You foul man put your pants back on

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Your typical Trumpster. Well, I guess panties are supposed to be worn on an ass!

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Got a real kick out of this one

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Nothing to see here: Just a passenger hand feeding her cat in a seat while it watches TV. On a plane

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Just your normal everyday plane monkey

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Do people not have any shame?

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Just getting a breath of fresh air

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Were they filming a James Bond fight scene in there?

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Mmm, shrimp juice!

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It keeps him entertained I guess

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Now be a good boy or the dirty evil troll will get you in the seat behind

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Maybe not an asshole but still blocking the aisle!

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That middle seat sewing sesh, though!

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Yum, lovely raw meat contamination

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Pretty clever actually

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Just a plane fort and nothing else to see here

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Another Trumpster dumpster!

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This is gonna be painful if he can play that thing or not!

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“Alexa, how do I unsee things?”

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Hairy, unbeweavable sitch in full effect

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Who are these dirty foot assholes?

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Me packing at the gate 5 minutes before my flight…

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That’s not apple juice!

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Man-child dumps food in aisle after eating what he wanted

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Solid air travel hat choice!

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Make it a balls to the wall week! You got this!

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It’s Taco Tuesday

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Is this some kind of magic trick?

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Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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