
50 Time Americans Said Crazy Shit and Embarrassed Themselves Online

“This is ‘Murica baby, Freedomland… Wooooahhh!”

Ah, the Land of the Free… good old FreedomLand. Er… I mean AmericaLand…. America, I mean America!

One of my favorite places in the world. I totally love it. The one thing I admire about this great country is that Americans are so patriotic and it’s good to show so much love for your own country. I totally respect that.

The only problem is that some Americans can be totally ignorant about the knowledge of other countries and continents and believe the whole world revolves around them. Some of the misconceptions that some ‘muricans believe are just so unbelievable it will make your blood boil and we can show you what we mean.

You can be enraged and see more on – Shit Americans Say.

Did they just ask why do British people speak English?

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“Is there a Rome in Italy?”

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“Your little European sport where you kick a ball with your foot is called ‘soccer’”

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I don’t know whether to laugh or be angry!

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LOL What?

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“Can anybody tell me if Portugal has running water like in the states?!

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“So May 16th just doesn’t exist?”

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Please tell me you’re joking?

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Woah, hold up!

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“D’uh, I’m Norwegian (not from there but grandpa is)”

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“Europe is ok regarding medicine, a middle income life but is mostly like a third world country”

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Can’t compare those other cities to the US

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This is America

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Literally, no European will be amazed by your “heritage”

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“The USA is the only country in the world with true freedom” “What do you mean? We are also free in France” “Really? 😏”

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You were never in charge!

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How about paying a living wage instead?

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“Greatest country in the world” “You’re welcome for all the policing it does”

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Apparently, the English language comes from AmericaLand

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A Wisconsin school district says students can “become spoiled” with free meals and opts out of Biden’s free-lunch program

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Would be cool if it worked in 12 hour

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“Pronounced liked rifle!”

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Observing the Columbus Day

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What month is 21

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The few, the loud, the uneducated

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Shit climate?

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“If you are white you can’t speak Spanish”

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Europe still doesn’t have running water

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American English vs. British English *Uses Australian Flag*. This should say American Education ve Education

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Americans would never do this

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“99% of the world uses metric system. The other 1% went to the moon. Lets hear it for freedom units eh.”

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“Love when they try to take credit for a system we developed 🇺🇸”

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It’s day/month/year muthaf##ker!

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“US has jurisdiction over all of North America if it comes down to it.”

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I HATE when people say Americans don’t learn world history. Why would we?

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Rest of the world didn’t become free till we reformed half the world in our image

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Pot vs Kettle

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“Democracy is an illusion”

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Don’t you miss owning a car?

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Do Europeans have a spice rack?

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Norwegian flag taken down

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There should be a law against this socialism

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Getting a Tattoo of your results

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Someone’s never been to Europe

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Americans don’t have an accent

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English please, Reddit is an American website (german subreddit btw)

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Written by Robert De Zero

Joyenergizer Pop Culture Journalist

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