We already live in a world where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, but this is discrimination on a whole new level!
It’s a tough old world and it’s only getting tougher and in the current economical climate more and more people are finding themselves on the streets. It can be a lonely, cold and uncertain existence out there and these people are discrimated against by people every day and now they have to face discrimation with hostile architecture too.
You may have noticed that the bench you were sitting on earlier while out shopping had metal bars strewn across the middle, yes they are quite handy as an arm rest, but in actual fact it’s to stop people sleeping there. You’ve probably also seen metal spikes on high window ledges to stop pigeons and other birds, but venture out at night and you can now see these spikes on footsteps, stairs and doorways of buildings in the inner cities to stop people!
It’s truly heartbreaking to deny somebody a place to rest when they have nowhere to go. Come on we can do better than this people!
Mumbai’s response to homelessness. Could you imagine if somebody accidently slipped onto those spikes!

This Bench that you can fold up out of hours

Installing these metal poles must have cost a lot of money, but obviously they don’t work!

Homeless man trying to sleep on an anti-homeless bench

What kind of society do we live in…

How much of a c**t do you have to be to do this to a homeless person?


This inhumane ‘work of art’ could easily impale somebody tripping on that step!

When you’re inclusive but still hate the poor!

Welcome to Dystopia

This one may not have been so obvious

And we go straight back to more very hard and sharp looking studs

Inhumane and absolutely hideous

Oh well… It beats spikes I suppose!

To stop the homeless keeping warm

It would be hard to sleep on this

This corner is out of bounds

California style

At least it’s better than spikes

Good luck getting out of here

This homeless man was taken to court for removing these bars

This one is less subtle

We love the LGBT community but hate the homeless

Thank you Angus Taylor for doing your bit to tackle homelessness