Welcome to the spectacular event of Worst Parent of the Year or as we liked to call it assholes who don’t deserve children!
Be shocked and disgusted by what could only be explained by a total lack of common sense or pure dumb fuckery because you just won’t believe your eyes at such irresponsible parenting!
Please be aware that some of these images are horrifying and if you find yourself featured in any, then hang your head in shame!
Does anyone know the number for social services?
One, two… Wheeeeeeee….. Ohhhhhh shhhhhhiiii…….!

Watch out Mom, you wouldn’t want to drop something as precious as that iPhone!

Debbie-Sue was feeling unwell so we decided to give her some fresh air on the ride home

Welcome to Texas

101 Ways Not Hold Your Baby – No.17

When you have no desk, improvise!

That poor, poor child!……….. Poor, poor child!

This is so godamn shocking

I think 200 degrees for 40 minutes should do it

Who needs a baby car seat!

I’ll have mine medium rare!


ATBs aren’t the safest mode of transport nevermind a DIY car seat

It was bring your kid to work day at Titty Twisters

Welcome to House Slytherin

Babies half price at Macy’s

Seems safe enough

Nothing could possibly go wrong here


Who knew that a plastic bag was as safe as using a crash helmet

<Shakes head in disbelief>

<Keeps shaking head in disbelief but faster>

Is this fast food?

What an asshole!

I hope this guy is joking!


This isn’t even funny

How the f**k does this even happen?

Family day out

When you’re too fat and lazy and stupid to reach yourself

Hey kids!

I think there’s a kid in there somewhere

Like father like son

As if clowns weren’t scary enough

Dinner is ready!

Hey Honey, you sitting on a burning picnic bench would make a lovely photo for Grandma!

He’s just like his father

“I bet you couldn’t ride the skate ramp while pregnant.” “Hold my handbag”

Looks safe to me

I think someone made a bet how many babies they could fit in the back of a truck

Dad and daughter day

I can’t tell you how wrong this picture is


“Keep hold of my hand son. We don’t want some pervert getting hold of you”

That poor kids face explains it all….Bad Mamma!

What happens next? Tune in after the break to see!

How not to bath your baby

Is it feeding time at the zoo?

Always check the background of your photos