Recently, I was mindlessly browsing through my Facebook feed and I came across a photo and I couldn’t stop laughing.
I know I shouldn’t have, because it was of a photo of a group family portrait of somebody I know, but it was just hilarious.
It got me curious, so I went looking for more crazy looking and awkward family photos on the interweb and there is definitely no shortage of the bizarre and weird photos out there.
I’m not sure what is going through people’s minds when they envision their perfect family portrait. For example why you would want to include your gun, cardboard cutouts of fictional characters or even being naked with your kids, which you have to admit is a bit creepy! Take a look for yourself.
Awwww bless! Is that your daughters new pink rifle?

Hey, If you don’t have any kids, why not include your parrot and your favourite rifle!

Nobody liked Aunt Jemima

Hawkeye, with his new girlfriend.

Won’t you join us for dinner?

Those dark glasses explain the lack of fashion sense!

Mikhal was proud of both his children!

And the award for ‘Parents of the Year’ goes to…


Unfortunately, this isn’t the only cat related portrait in here

Those poor, poor monkeys

Why? Just why?

Uncle Ramos (on the end) was always the trend setter of the family

With all that hair going on you could give dad some!

“I have a crazy idea. Why not pose half naked for our family portrait?” the moron said

“We caught ourselves a couple of perdy faced boys. Yeehahh!”

I really hope she is pregnant else this would be even more weird!

This is wrong on so many levels!

The Centaur Family out for the day

Awww that’s sweet!

Please don’t point that in my direction!

What must be going on in your mind to include a cut-out of Obi-Wan and Yoda in your family portrait?

The Marlboro Family

“Hey Zeke, we caught ourselves a big one.” Billy Joe said. “I think we should throw her back” said Zeke.

Lassie posing with her daughters

This is what ‘awesome’ looks like.

The Wallis’s were never ashamed of Broomhelga

This is why the aliens don’t visit Earth!

… Everything is wrong in the picture!¬

Oooh, somebody has some amazing Photoshop skills

Not sure if that’s a genuine or a shit-scared smile

Never has a photo featuring Santa Claus been so depressing!

Let’s take a family portrait where we are all holding phones, said no one ever!

Looking good guys. Looking good!

Please can somebody call social services?!

Wow! 3 Beautiful Princesses

This photo portrait is so wrong it’s actually right!

Meet the Denim Family (aka the shit ‘dad jeans’ clan)


Now this is just f*#ked up! #Fail

Even the ventriloquist doll is embarrassed by this photo!

Hey Boooiiiizz! We got us a couple of gangsta’s right here!

Nothing says Christmas like a Llama in a Santa hat!


The Gingers are Coming

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