Welcome to a Christmas edition of Awkward Family Photos.
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of sending an annual festive family photo to your friends and loved ones every Christmas then you know the struggle of coming up with some clever original ideas year on year.
You could just have a traditional photoshoot of the whole family or you could get inspiration from this crazy crop of people featured today by dressing as a baby or why not include your rifle or go one better by having your recent safari kill featured in the picture too!
All together now “It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeaaar!”
If you like these then why not check these previous posts too…
45 Really Awkward Family Photos – 40 More Really Awkward Family Photos – 30 Creepy Santas
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

“Smile for the camera Laura!”

Nanna was never the same since after she caught Santa in her bedroom

Santa was sure packing this Christmas

Don’t point that thing at me!

“I like Christmas…”

Stay gangster

Santa…. The College Years

The mind boggles!

“Hi there”

“Bear with me on this and it might sound a little creepy, but I’ve got a great idea for our family Christmas photo this year” Said Dad

Christmas Militia

Her face explains it all!

Merry Christmas from Mr. Tiddles and Keith

This is how we got through customs

Sshhhh! I’m robbing them

This must have been hilarious in 1984!

With all that oil on I wonder if his balls are as shiny as those baubles

The family were all glad ‘crazy ol’ Aunt Mimi’ could make it!

Seasons Greetings from Magnum P.I and Family

Mum (or Gran, who knows) is all ready for some kinky fun later

Can you feel the love?

Classy AF

Thomas was signalling the “Kill me now” expression

The poster for ‘Where’s Santa?’ Coming to theaters this Christmas

WTF? No… Really, WTF?

Damien the Son of Satan hated having his photo taken

“Hey, I’m done with this Christmas party… Wanna split?”

“…When loved ones are near… It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeaaar!”

Christmas Human-Centipede
Christmas a go-go in 1968!

The Culkins on Tour 1990

Go home Xmas Tree, you’re drunk!

“Haha, now I have double the presents”

Why though?

Christmas in Texas

Little did Donald the Duck know he was going to be a replacement for the Christmas Turkey

Merry Christmas from The Carters and Ham the first chimp in space!

“Come join us”

You have reached creepy level – Expert

Tucker was finally glad to catch that pesky wabbit!

The Fonzerelli faily with a young Fonzi Christmas 1956

Barb welcomes you to Christmas 1983

Why? Just why?

That’s for not getting what we wanted last Christmas Santa!

“I promise I will release you after New Year… I promise”

A rare photo of Mrs Claus behind closed doors

Gotta love those Christmas present shoes!

“Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening… Mama Mia! Mama Mia! Figaro!”


I hope this wasn’t planned!

Meanwhile in Sweden

Can’t tell if the moms face is happy or embarrassed AF

We’re having a ‘swinging’ time at Christmas

The Jones family wanted a change from turkey this year

The Christmas Chicken?!

I think somebody left their Christmas package open

Neil didn’t understand the concept of Christmas Sweater day!

We now know Daddy’s kinky secret

“Give me back my toy you SOB”

Merry Monkey Christmas

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