Welcome to another instalment of Really Awkward Family Photos – Christmas Edition Part 2
Ahhhh, Christmas is nearly here again. It’s a time of giving (and receiving of course) and spending time with loved ones. So get the camera out and take some photos of those happy memories no matter how crazy they are!
I’m sure we’ve all got some weird photos that we could all share from Christmas’s gone by, so just sit back and have a look at these crazy Christmas photos and think to yourself… What the Hell is going on?
Merry Christmas!
If you like these then why not check these previous posts too…
Really Awkward Christmas Family Photos – 45 Really Awkward Family Photos – 40 More Really Awkward Family Photos – Awkward Family Photos Part 3 – 30 Creepy Santa’s
I guess Jemma’s list for this year was just too long for Santa

The things we do to make Christmas a fun time for the little ones

Christmas in Texas

I guess Susie wanted to be the star

Ahhh the good old traditional Christmas plunger?!

What’s going on here? Sausages on sticks or reeds? Reindeer?

Looks like Santa may be on the naughty list himself!

I bet he waited all year for that Mr. Coffee Coffee Maker!

When your Christmas cards steal the photoshoot

I guess Dad didn’t get his Xmas pajamas!

Is that the Bloods Gang hand sign?

Billy was told he wasn’t too bright but who’s laughing now?

Poor old Gus the turkey does not know his fate

What every young girl wants for Christmas…. a chicken

Yes, the snowman is holding two ferrets!

Christmas at Leatherface’s house

Here you go, my dear. What you always wanted for Christmas. A deer foot!

Hey there Santa!

Meowwy Christmas

Timmy, Jimmy and Tommy show off their new toys. Judy got a baby this year

Stuff of nightmares

Christmas is a-okay

<rolls eyes>

Couldn’t get a Christmas tree this year? Just grab any old bush from the garden

In the UK the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, but I don’t think it is supposed to be like this!

I think Santa needs to get his prostate checked out

Danger in the Manger

Whoa Rudoph!

I guess some people just hate Christmas

This photo just makes me think how and why

I’m not sure Aunt Vera’s tiny cooker is gonna cook the family dinner

When you mistake a hobo in a red robe for Santa Clause

Guess meeting Santa was too much excitement for Johnny

Uncle Bob was always the funny one

Christmas – May all your wishes come true

Wow! That’s a lovely pink room you have there!

Looks like Santa brought them all a dog

What you can’t see is the girl and boy sitting on an alligator

It wasn’t me!

If you look closely enough you can see the hidden image in that dress

The over-enthusiastic Dad

The ‘can’t even’ Dad

Mommy, WTF is this?

The new ‘Child’s Play’ Christmas movie

There is a reason it is just you!

The Brewer family attending the annual festive dog mating event

Who have though Jesus was a bulldog?

When you need to go Christmas shopping but fancy going fishing afterwards

Just remember kids…. “he sees you when you’re sleeping”

Hello from Christmas 1968

The family Christmas clothes range that doubles up as a the kitchen table cover

The ‘white face’ Santa

All Vicky wanted was to be a blushing bride on Christmas. Kevin on the other hand wanted to be a member of the Beastie Boys!

I guess it was Sarah who wanted the giant red bauble after all

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