Do you think your kids would like a Dad Fighters handheld video game, a Covered in Spiders Man, or maybe a Stabby Patch Doll?
Maybe you know a recently divorced friend who might like the Divorce Poncho to show they are back on the market!
Yes, the above sound like crazy gift items, but they can be seen available in the shops. They are all part of hilarious plants by the genius of the Jeff Wysaki aka Obvious Plant.
Over the years Wysaki has been pranking toy stores, book stores, IKEA and even zoos with his hilarious and satirical take on the world and consumerism!
You can see more Obvious Plant on Twitter | Facebook and Instagram. You can also buy some of these funny fake items on the Obvious Plant Store, but you better be quick because they sell out fast!
Please Take My Baby

Dad Fighter

Stop Hitting Yourself!

Spirit Doll

Divorce Poncho

USA Doctor Kit

Anger Disc

Aaahh!!! Real Supervillains

Sports Are Dumb!


Covered in Spiders, Man

Weird Dogs

Knobs! for Nintendo Gamecube

Donatello’s Crying Tree

Learn To… Dress Yourself!

Stupidest Animals – Panda


Steve-3PO – Steve Wars

Burn Down a Chili’s

Just Say No Bots

Naked Bruce

Trick or Treatin’ Batman

Stupidest Animals – Penguin

So Your Son is a Centaur


No Crying Sign

Pre-Cracked Egg

A Glove With Sand In It

Small Talk for Nintendo Gamecube

Stabby Patch Kids

Sang Along Songs

R2-Steve-2 – Steve Wars

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