Marbles have discovered that it can cost parents over £200 on clothes and equipment throughout the school year. To help parents cut their cost a little better, we’ve presented 10 great life-hacks in a new infographic.
From new uniform, to stationary, to sportswear, the costs of sending a child to school can quickly rise. Rather than shelling out on new products, Marbles have put together several DIY tips to reduce your overall budget.
Here’s some of the top money-saving hacks for the upcoming school year;
- Shoes, Boots and Everything Feet – Struggling to break in the shoes? Use a blow dryer to save on blister plasters. Get sports shoes on the cheap through Gumtree and Ebay, then prevent stinky feet with cheap teabags! – Save
- Protect the white shirts – Baby powder and lemon juice can help to prevent typical stains for next to nothing. Meanwhile a spot of clear nail-polish can stop buttons being broken and shirts will last longer. – Save
- Vinegar Dark Wash – Prevent your kid’s dark uniform becoming faded by adding a bit of distilled white vinegar into each wash and keep them looking dark and fresh.
Calculating the Hacks
Marbles wanted to ensure that all savings figures given in our graphic were realistic. All prices in our research, for both hacks and non-hack alternatives, were taken from real UK supermarkets and stores. For generic items such as school trousers, coats, etc an average cost was taken.
See infographic here(via
It’s free to buy stationAry, feels like time has stopped, but stationEry is what we use in schools, and that’s a little more expensive. Maybe the budget didn’t stretch to a dictionary 🙂