You only have to look at some logos like the golden arches, bitten apple and bluebird and you instantly connect and recognise the brand.
Some logos don’t even need text or words and are so iconic they can cross cultural boundaries and become embedded into our sub consciousness. Psychologists have proved that famous logos are so wired into our brain that children at the age of 2 can link a product with its logo in 67% of cases.
How can these little piece of designed artworks become so powerful and influential? Well it could very well be down to subliminal colour references. Take a look at some of the most famous brand logos from around the world. Have you ever wondered why some are red, some are blue and some are green? What can these colours mean?
Colours can evoke an emotional response from us and influence our buying decisions. Apparently blue is reliable, red is active, green is nature and yellow is energetic.
Have a look at this infographic which give an insight into brand values, how much it cost those beloved brands to design these logs and how some of those famous logos have evolved over the years.
Designed Ruby Media
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