In the crazy old days, people actually used to think that smoking was healthy for you!
Doctors and healthcare companies would gladly promote your cancer sticks if you bunged them the right amount of dollars. They were marketed at being beneficial and kind to your throat, helped with your asthma and bronchial problems, and also suppressed your appetite so you wouldn’t put on weight.
Let’s take a look back at a selection of outrageous vintage tobacco adverts with a bit of sexism thrown in for good measure!
Oh, Santa!
Mike knew the awful consequences of smoking so kept buying his evil dad a pack whenever he could!
What all expectant mothers crave!
… “No adverse effects on nose, throat and sinuses”… Just kills your lungs though!
Your “T-Zone” will tell you!
Oh, that’s good then!
Because it f**kin’ stinks!
Decisions, decisions. Stay healthy or carry on smoking?
Take a puff…
Are you saying smoking will make me lose weight?
Blow in her face and she will probably tell you to f**k off!