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50+ Times That Social Media Influencers Were Total Pieces of Shit

I’m awful but I can monetize it!

Social media was originally about keeping in touch with loved ones, old friends and as well as making new ones.

Now with trash social media companies like TikTok, it has become a showcase for attention-seeking assholes. We have to put up with their bullshit all for artificial likes and adoration.

These assholes will do anything for more followers even if it goes against decency, common sense, and morals. These so-called pranks should really get them arrested or beat up in the street.

If you own a restaurant and get a call from someone that refers to themself an influencer or even worse… A TikToker [shudders… I really can’t say that word!] offering you exposure rather money then slam that phone done immediately.

If we’ve learned anything it’s that TikTok and YouTube has made our youth into inconsiderate assholes. Be prepared to get angry because you are about to witness some of the worst people on the planet.

When you adopt seven kids and use them like trained chimps on YouTube

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Cutting your sons hair and making him cry for a TikTok “prank”

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Couple give up adopted child after they learned they can’t include them in their videos

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More privilege than sense

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Going hiking

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F__king gobsmacked

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Burning people with a high powered laser and getting yourself banned from an airport for clout

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Booty shots at Auschwitz!!!

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Imagine … Uggh

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TikTok must be stopped

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Exploitation = Expert Level reached

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This dude filled up a river with soap and destroyed the entire ecosystem for some TikTok cloud and thinks he is funny

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She just had to get that shot

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This woman stomped all over the plants in this conservatory despite staff repeatedly asking her to stop to get ‘Instagram Model’ shots. The area she is in is off-limits.

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Killing a baby dolphin for selfies

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Taking a meal out of a restaurant just to get the right picture for Instagram likes

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Imagine being such a c__t that you would go to the supermarket to destroy food

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This f__king prick harassing people while shopping is classified as a “prank”

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How to become a shithead… Glue a toilet on your head for fun

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These assholes

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Let me film a TikTok in front of my dying friend

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Influencers jailed in Bali for fake mask video prank, to be deported as ‘soon as possible’.

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Wasting all that food just for a photo

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Sexually assaulting men for TikTok

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Imagine going to jail for TikTok

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Great way to ruin yours and other people lives

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Creating a mess in a store for literally no reason

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Disturbing everybody’s shopping experience

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This girl makes TikTok videos of her forcibly hugging, touching or trapping Korean men. This is not okay behaviour. In all videos the men are visibly uncomfortable and try to get away from her, she either follows them or will not let go of them…if the roles were reversed there would be outrage

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Way too young mother thinks spraying daughter in the face is hilarious, and has done it more than once per the caption

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This kid’s grandpa is actually dying while he is recording a musically, I did some research, and the grandpa died

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Influencers did it again at a memorial

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Scumbag douchebag pushes photographer into pond for laughs

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When you use your Nanas death as an excuse to show off your tattoos

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What a garbage human being

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This crazy bitch throwing a chair from a hotel window onto traffic below

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Just a prank bro

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Bruh WTF

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Dickhead pretending to have the coronavirus

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Texas mother poses as 13-year-old daughter and attends her class for social media attention – gets arrested

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Disney employee posts videos breaking rules at Disneyworld, is promptly fired and banned from Disneyworld

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Wow, so quirky

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TikToker takes back iPhone he gifted to a little girl after filming

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Squashing supermarket oranges just to get a good portrait

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Causing all this mess on public transport for a prank and not cleaning it up

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Girl destroys her boyfriend’s PS5 for a TikTok

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Wow, what total scumbags

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Purposely throwing a pack of plastic straws into a lake

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Influencers ordered a bunch of stuff to take pictures for the ‘gram but didn’t want to pay.

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She knew she would get a reaction with the funeral dress

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Give your grandson a cake *they* want

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This guy with the very punchable face spraying rocks in Yosemite

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Parents in China drag their child on edge of a hill just to take photos

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Dude Is Flexing His Louis Vuitton Bag On Auschwitz Train Tracks

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Using real-time reaction of your divorce for views

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Cute girl… Cute caption… Wait…

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Killing important farm insects for a TikTok

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Braindead for social media

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For our final word… #FUCKTIKTOK

Written by Jay

A caffeine-based life form with a love of the 80s and pop culture.

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